Are you always right?
Is your way the only “right way”? Do you often think that you know the best, if not the only, way to do something? Sometimes our egos allow us to think that we are always right. Maybe it is when we are young, fresh with a degree in hand, and we just know that we can conquer the world. Maybe it is when we are older and have years of experience and just know that we have already conquered the world. Well maybe we are just wrong!
If you believe you always know the right answer or have the right solution you are wrong. There are a lot of ways to solve problems, create answers, produce results and settle arguments. There is not just one way, and one person does not always know the right way. If you tend to think you are always right or find yourself intolerant of others ideas and perspectives, you may need to step back and reconsider. You may need to consider other viewpoints. You should listen more open mindedly. You should actually seek counsel instead of dictate solutions. You should think about the meaning of the old adage…“There is more than one way to skin a cat.”
Seldom is there just one right way to do anything. Even when there is, one person never always knows that answer. Your way is not the only right way.