You Already know this: The Less You Talk, the More They Buy
Crowell University

You Already know this: The Less You Talk, the More They Buy

Your words, phrases, and mannerisms determine more about your personal success than does your schooling, education, and sales ability.

Case in point: For the past few months, I have been working with a company that sells its products through demonstrations at Costco. The product is the Vitamix Machine. It is the fancy blender that you see in Starbucks and on the Food Network shows.

It is an awesome machine, and happens to be about $350 more in price than its closest competitor.

This creates a fun selling opportunity because no one is going to choose this guy from the shelf without an explanation of why. Would you?

The process goes like this:

1.    The demonstrator corrals a group of people to his booth by making some drinks for people and a bit of noise from the machine, and maybe a joke or two.

2.    The demonstrator qualifies the poor, unsuspecting shoppers, who came in to buy a head of lettuce, for interest in changing their lives for the better by buying the “Total Nutrition Center” machine for $500.

3.    Then the demonstration begins. 

First he makes the smoothie, followed by the soup, and then finishes up with icecream, all in about 5 ? minutes. The demonstrator is, of course, giving his pitch the whole time and, if done right, asking for the order several times during the presentation.

But what happens when the demonstrator loses his voice during the busiest time of the year in a marquee store in a great area???

I’ll tell you what I did, and it worked!

I wrote the whole pitch out on paper, every word of it, with jokes, questions, and pauses. (Yes, I actually wrote the word “pause” into the script!)

I put the whole thing in a loose-leaf binder with a note on the front that read:

“I lost my voice! But no worries, just read this as I make you the best smoothie you have ever had in your life!”

I then handed the book to one of the people watching and turned them into an active participant. They were actually selling the $500 machine to themselves!

The final line on the script was:

“Which color, Red, Black, White, or Slate, would look best in your kitchen?”

We sold 120 machines over the two weekend show, some of them without saying a word!

Here’s the tip: Your words, phrases, mannerisms, and attitude are just about all you have control of in your life. And the right ones have the power to earn you a fortune.

Best Wishes,

The Deej

I Can Help You! YOU Coaches, And Consultants Of All Stripes, Craft The Right Words To Use In Your Sales Presentation To Never Miss Out On New Client Opportunities Ever Again! And Never Sound Like A Used Car Salesman From 1977 Ever Again Either.

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