You Already Have The Info, Heres Why You Fail To Change??
?? Have you ever lost a bunch of body fat, felt healthy and fit…
But then found yourself back to square one like 6- 12 months later…?
Maybe you can relate to this…
Last week I was on a coaching call with a client.
He’s a digital marketing entrepreneur and his goal is to optimise his energy and focus to get more done and grow his business faster…
Though he also wants to get the ideal physique hes always wanted…
Like he wants a toned, strong, athletic-style physique, with abs, which he can maintain as the standard ongoing.
So a few years ago, he almost achieved this…
But it wasn’t long until he found himself back at who he always knew himself to be and doing things he always did.
You know like, snacking on chips in the afternoon and pastries at dinner…
Skipping workouts…
Drinking too much… (smoking too).
Staying up to 2AM and sleeping in way past his alarm…
As a result, the old body returned… along with the body fat and the muscle he had vanished.
We discussed this on the call…
Currently, he is on the way up and taking action, but he old version of him is still interrupting.
Kinda like how in the latest STAR-WARS series…
Just when we think Kylo Ren is going to come good… the darkside takes over, but like worse.
So anyway, its obvious that, me giving him more information, more ‘How-to’s’, more strategies and protocols etc… wasn’t the solution.
Instead, we had to go deep.
Like way out of the comfort-zone deep… In order to find the cause.
Most people don’t do this…
Which is why they get stuck in this constant cycle of suffering with where they’re at…
then struggling to change…. then resorting back to struggling… and it continues to repeat.
Theres a reason for it, that most people ignore or don’t even know about...
Let me explain briefly.
So right now, you hold an Identity.
Which is basically, your perception of yourself, and including your perception of how ‘you think’ others perceive you.
This current identity you have was built on and is reinforced by all your habits, the most consistent actions, thoughts, feelings and emotions you’ve experienced to date.
As well as the events that have occured in your life and how you dealt with it.
All of which form your beliefs, behaviours and the environment you exist within.
Think of this like identity as the ‘Character’ of you.
So on the coaching call…
Although, he is working hard on building the ‘new character’ (new identity)...
The old identity keeps coming back with a vengence to sabotage the progress.
All the sabotaging things he was doing weren’t ‘new’, they were established as far back as he could remember as young child.
The 1st powerful distinction we found was that, these “sabotaging” things were actually totally normal for his old identity, which is why it keeps happening effortlessly…
The 2nd was that, its technically not his fault because, the unhealthy things he was doing, were actually ‘taught’ to him at an early age and actually formed part of his environment was before he was consciously development mentally. Therefore, his new character, does NOT need to beat him up for it…
The 3rd was that, the reason the old identity came back to haunt him was because he returned to the environment where it was created.
It was like an automatic trigger for his old habits.
So how do you overcome identity-battle like this?
It’s simple, but not exactly easy (which is why most people don’t do it).
You need need to make that clear distinction between…
The person you are now vs. the person you want to become (in all areas).
You must actively pay attention to when you’re acting as the new character…
And when you’re acting out-of-character (i.e. the old character (identity) as acting out of you).
The thing is, we all have deep routed unique psychology within us…
hence why we’re all so different in many ways…
So the old identity will always exist to a degree…
But essentially you need to ‘build-the-muscle’ of the new character…
To the point where your new character is MUCH more powerful than the old character.
The best way to start this process is simply by practising:
Self awareness -
And when you feel like you’re being pulled in 2 directions…
Like as if you have the devil on the left shoulder and angel on the right…
“?? Eat the donuts they're delicious!…
?? No you shouldn’t eat the donuts they'll keep you fat”...
Just remember why the old character is trying to mess you up…
Then kindly ask it to be quite (or fuck off) so you can be with your new character ??
Again, easier 'said' than done.
But theres no magic pill here.
If you do the heavy lifting, you build the strength.
“Coaching” helped me overcome a lot of these mental blocks and barriers in my life and continue to do so…
Hence why I love coaching others to overcome theirs.
So comment on this post and tell me…
Whats one thing that keeps trying to destory the character you’re building for yourself ?