You are not alone so don't ever suffer in silence
Jeremy Ramsden
PROTECTING PROFIT, supporting the food & drink industry with cost effective card payment processing solutions, world class card payment tech hardware, infrastructure & ensuring the highest standards of customer service.
Like we have physical health, we also have mental health. It is like when people say they are “on a diet”. One is to assume they are wanting to lose weight, living on lettuce and celery soup morning, noon, and night. We are all on a diet. It depends whether one is on a healthy or an unhealthy diet. The same with mental health. We all have mental health. Again, it depends on whether one’s mental health is good, bad, or somewhere in between. Hopefully, the analogy makes sense. It annoys me that when one talks about mental health, people automatically assume it is bad. That they are volatile, unpredictable and a liability. As you know, I am trying hard to dispel the negative stigma associated with mental health illness.
Here we are today; 3rd lockdown, 100,000+ COVID deaths in the UK, businesses folding by the second, millions of people being laid off, made redundant or on furlough. Schools closed, no physical interaction with anyone, new strains of COVID being found in people every other day, no one under 70 knows when they will get their vaccine, if it will work, anxiety over whether the vaccine is safe (side effects and long-term damage), more people than ever going bankrupt, 200% rise in suicides since last January, need I go on . . . ? If one is not concerned by the above resulting in their mental health being slightly compromised, they are either a Psychopath or a Superhero. So, in summary, its ok, not to be ok . . .
When it comes to your mental health, never ever leave it to chance. Ensure you get the help you need from your GP or call 111, even 999.
Here are some other useful numbers –
* Samaritans - 116 123
* CALM - 0800 58 58 58
* YoungMinds - 0800 018 2138
* ChildLine - 0800 1111
* No Panic - 0844 967 4848
* SANE - 0300 304 7000
* Get Connected - 0808 808 4994
* FRANK - 03001236600
* SHOUT - text 85258
* Mind – 020 8519 2122