You Are Not Alone
Many spiritual men and women who have gone before us, have maintained that all of life is a single organism. Yet we are all individuals within this body. When one of us falls, we all fall.
When one of us rises, we all rise. Therefore, recognize that you are not alone in your struggle. We all face adversity.
Adversity rears its ugly head in many shapes and forms, yet is a common factor in all of our lives. We fight not to shun or ignore adversity but to gain the strength to face it.
It is good to remember that you are not the only person that experiences pain. It can often feel that way. During the thick of the storm, it is easy to lose sight of the fact that most of the people you know are facing difficult trials of their own.
Positive Affirmation: Your demons can only get stronger when you have your back turned to them. By facing your challenges you are a step ahead in the game!