All too often we focus on the 'negatives' - all the reasons we can't, won't, shouldn't, never will.
All the ways in which this experience or that one burnt us, hurt us, was a sign we're not worthy or good enough, that our dreams aren't worth pursuing, that reality sucks, that life is about working to pay the bills and then you die.
And yeah, life provides us with challenges - that are opportunities. I STRONGLY encourage my clients to change their wording around this and use opportunity instead of challenge. It changes how you think about what you're being presented with.
But I digress -
I've been thinking about some of the things I am creating in 2018, journaling around that, visualising - and a thought popped into my head.
That rather than using my experiences in some areas as positives, learning experiences, observing with curiosity, and to expand and lean - or DIVE - deeper into trust and faith -
There are always areas where I struggle with that.
I want to hide. I use the negatives to shut my soul down.
To punish myself for God only knows what reason when I really think about what the purpose of that belief and behaviour is.
All it does is STOP the flow.
It STOPS the momentum of LIFE, of joy, of abundance, of expansion, of FREEDOM.
Your spirit is here on this earth to FLY - but you have to give it permission to do so.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it - because the reality is 99.9% of people won't TRULY choose to accept it and live their life in the purpose of it - is to expand, allow, dive deeper into YOU, live from alignment and purpose and passion, and CONTINUALLY, through all the shit that gets thrown at you, through every experience that crushes your vulnerable self or makes you angry, through every moment where you question your worth and your mission, through every. single. part. of the rollercoaster ride that life is -
To keep building that trust muscle.
To act from faith even though you've been burned.
For me, sport has been INSTRUMENTAL in being able to take a step back and OBSERVE - and also to realise that what happens in sport, is a great metaphor, mirror and transfer for ALL of my life.
I grew up playing tennis competitively and was number 1 junior in my final year. I lost A LOT. And I'm competitive so it was a bitter pill to swallow. The emotions of it being unfair, of wanting to be better, of wanting that sweet taste of victory more than the crush of defeat.
By that stage I'd also been riding horses for a decade, and after buying my horse for my 21st birthday, I've certainly had a whole new experience of competitiveness, of drive and motivation, of faith and fear.
And I am so grateful NOW to be able to continually see growth opportunities, new perspectives, expansion, and a deeper understanding of how my interaction with horses each and every time, and now also with my rescue dog, can and do trigger ideas and sparks of thought in my mind about life.
Using those experiences to ask myself if I choose to live that way in my life.
That to have an experience of growth, I need to give my horse or my dog the trust of things potentially going horrendously wrong.
To experience joy, expansion, love, gratitude, and a deep sense of soul nourishment and purpose -
I have to let go of rational thought, of fear, of all the 'what ifs', and TRUST. Have FAITH.
In all the work I've done to get to this point.
In their goodness, kindness, intelligence.
In our relationship.
In our communication.
And so it is with EVERYTHING.
You TRAIN and do the inner work to set up that foundation. To build that muscle. To drum it into your subconscious from your conscious mind.
So that you choose trust and faith in life, being able to discern when it's a fuck no situation to do that, and a hell yes that feels scary and amazing at the same time.
PS Make Magic Happen has already started but you can still join in! Over 4 weeks I'll take you on a journey of deep inner work to get the results you're after in any area of your life.
Message me now!