Are you "All In" your business?

Are you "All In" your business?

"All In" Coaching application.Are you 'all in' your business - mind, money, heart and soul? Do you have big goals and vision?

Maybe you do, or maybe your business isn't your life or passion and it's the way you've chosen to pay the bills and holidays/school fees etc. That's fabulous, as long as it achieves that with the same ease as having a job would!?

Does it? Is your business better in all ways than having a J O B?

In my many years of mentoring and coaching owners of small businesses (24 years!), they often make LESS than minimum wage, are stressed and feel like it's a daily struggle.

Please don't accept this for yourself if this is you. Please don't ? it fucks your self esteem and makes you feel worthless in ALL areas of your life... I know, I've been there. It's shit and feels like a hopeless situation. Let me help you. In half an hour I can help you change this, FOR FREE!

When I started full time business mindset coaching and training people like you, I loved it immediately. Had found my real 'thing' and went for it. I wasn't 100% happy and joyful and needed to work out why... I realised I really missed being 'part of' a business. I'm solutions and results focussed by nature and love to connect and support; so I missed problem solving, bringing creative ideas and being part of success and celebrating getting it right.

Being in business can be lovely and euphoric; on the flipside it's a bit scary, lonely and unknown, often searching for cheap fixes, free advice and low cost solutions - sound familiar? Sure, you can ask your partner, friends and family, but are they really the best advisors, motivators and supporters!? I have had women tell me they can't afford £25 to attend She-Enjoys local group coaching and business skills mornings. Really! I have. My reply is 'my god, just come, you fucking need it!'

Life isn't about money, it's a fucked up metric for success; but not having any, makes it how you measure everything and all you can think about! Look at the famous successful people, they all have 'made it and lost it' stories (me included). Were they failing when they had a fiver, or learning to have £50 million? Perception is everything. I promise you that you are worth more than you believe you are.

I know all of this first hand! I didn't just go on a coaching certification and set up overnight. Believe me when I tell you 'I've been through all the pain and triumphs you could imagine!' And still do sometimes. That's life! I've built three, six figure businesses from scratch myself and couldn't begin to quantify the hundreds of others I've worked with and in over the last 21 years! One of them achieved a million turnover in year one with me, her and 2 other team members. We frickin rocked it. Her business went on to do £30 million in year 3 as we structured it and marketed it correctly from the get go!

I want to tell you that with the right decisions (based on your actual needs, talents and passions), the right personal development, support and mindset and most importantly 'doing what you were truly made to do' which so many people aren't (I was one of them, seems ridiculous to think at one point I was training to be an Accountant, nothing wrong with that, apart from I'm a born mentor, provoker, coach & creative marketeer)... You can have everything you want and need with your business, you truly can...

So, me being me, wasn't settling for being 'just another Coach' in the sea of sameness, I set about getting what I needed whilst offering MASSIVE value and changing the female business world as best I can. I want it all, I want you to have it all too! I've only one life and so only I can make sure I get it. You can too!

You probably don't know about the one to one work I do, as I rarely mention it. I hand pick the businesses I become part of for 3 or 6 months... It's the mainstay of what I do between 2 hour transformational mindset breakthrough sessions, and hosting monthly group coaching events and online programmes.

I'm telling you now, in case you need me. Really need all of me.

I coach, mentor and am 'all in' with just 6 business owners at a time. I love it. They love it. It's a rewarding experience for us both. It gives me and them what they need, when they need it. It's not cheap... 25 years of business experience, 5 years of NLP mastery to the highest level and a natural ability to spot the talent and capability of someone and their business and call them on their bullshit excuses and patterns shouldn't be cheap!

I offer a range of 'get me as part of your business' programmes. One of my clients made an additional £27k in 3 days, after just one afternoon with me... they then wanted more of me, of course they did and so my problem of belonging was solved! One client aptly said I was 'All in' and as passionate as they were and they were pleased to not feel alone and have someone else to bring ideas, solutions and actually help them land projects by writing copy, designing stuff and actually helping them do, rather than plan and measure. It's why I don't call myself as 'business coach'. I'm more like a creative marketing director, sales director, managing director, implementer, supporter, therapist and arse kicker "all in' one! And it's fun, transformational and collaborative. I bloody love it and so do my clients ?. They are all in and value me. I'm all in and bloody make sure they get value for their investment. I can also be a bit woo woo, as often I'm not even sure where my inspirations for their businesses comes from - divinely guided ??

If I told you, that if you were truly ready to get yourself enjoying your business and feeling 'all in' rather than out of sorts and stressed - you not only could afford me, you'd realise what having your own business is really all about! Trust me. It's not about working hard, grafting, trying, going without, stressing and feeling like a failure and anxious for the future.

If you don't enjoy it, what's the fucking point?! I swear when I'm passionate. I care.

If you know you could be doing it differently and need to understand how, what, why you haven't found the key to business bliss, message me. We'll talk for half an hour and connect YOU with what you really need. It's free. It's my chance to help you. It's my life's passion and I want everyone to feel joy.

JUST MESSAGE ME: 'I'm READY to go all in' and we'll set up a time to talk soon. The call will change your life and I'll tell you how I could help you feel like a successful business owner x ????

?? Karen Kodish

Honest & Intuitive Photography. Real life. #KodishMoments #AuDHD

6 年

I SO need to have a cuppa with you!!


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