“You are all a part of me and I am a part of you”

“You are all a part of me and I am a part of you”

Systemic coaching with horses brings individuals together in a significant way. Although each person joins to dig deeper into their personal situation, by sharing the experience in the presence of each other, we see a connection forming from the very beginning.?

The bonding starts in the opening ceremony, where each person shares what has brought them there. Be it burnout, job fatigue, moving towards the next phase in their life, a situation at home or the feeling there must be more to life. When they arrive, it is often evident how out of place and slightly uncomfortable they feel.?

A small group of strangers, shedding their outer layers. As it is not their roles or functions that have brought them there but rather a question of what am I doing with my life? Where am I in my life? What am I struggling with right now?

Each person has something to bring

For most participants, the idea of experiencing the unknown and being immersed deeper in themselves in the presence of others is, to say the least, intimidating. But therein lies the strength of the small group. Safe and familiar. Each person has something to bring as they recognize themselves in each other. The collective energy of the small group is the added value in unmasking your true self.

It is a remarkable, beautiful experience watching a diverse group connect on such deep levels throughout the day as they develop individually. Regardless of the age differences, what stages they are in their lives or what has led them to the session. Whether they have families with young children, teenagers, grown children who have already left home, or are single.

You often touch something deeper in yourself

?During a systemic coaching day you are able to join as a participant or as a representative. As a participant you will work on your own situation during your coaching session. As a representative you can be deployed as someone or something from the system of the participant. For example, you can stand for the partner, the mother, the father, the desire, the dilemma etc. for someone else.?

And in doing this you often touch something deeper in yourself, strengthening the bond with the other participants. As shared by a participant to the group “You are all a part of me and I am a part of you”. When one person identifies that they are repeating patterns from their past and the desire to break them, it gets felt and recognised by another.?A day like this with the horses and each other allows bonding and connecting on a much deeper level.??

Not only do the participants gain deeper insight and form close connections, but so do Iris and I, as their guides on their journey. We are moved each time and we are very grateful to be able to do this work and to meet such beautiful people.

I welcome you to?contact me?to join one of systemic coaching days, to be touched by the wisdom horses and the embrace of the group.


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