If you are not AGILE, you are FRAGILE
Saurabh Varma
Senior Program Manager specializing in Organizational Change Management and Process Improvement
With the rapidly changing world of business, being Agile has no longer remained an option. It is more of a mandate now.
Look at the pace of the changing business landscape. The start-ups are taking over the world. The Concept-to-Market cycle has shrunk drastically. Today there is an idea and tomorrow there is a business out of it. The start-ups are giving Goaliaths a run for their money. They can change, they can adapt, they can adopt, whereas the biggies find it difficult to come to terms with this pace. No doubt, the traditional enterprises have advantage of a vast workforce and money with them, but they lack the agility of start-ups.
The IT world has been the harbinger of the Agile era. The small, innovative IT firms that have ushered over the past few years have made some of the unthinkable thigs a reality. Moreover, they have enabled other industries to look at the new horizons with the help of their innovative offerings. The mushrooming IoT, analytics and SocMed start-ups are forerunners in enabling other industries become Agile and look at hitherto unexplored frontiers.
The traditional IT enterprises are still running on the old business models, majority of them still stuck to the age-old body-shop model. It is high time for them that they do a reality check and equip themselves with the Agile ways of working. Talking the talk will not do any good now, the sooner they start walking the talk, the better for them. A traditional IT enterprise makes a nascent innovative idea go through such a long bureaucracy chain that it dies midway and takes a re-birth elsewhere, maybe in an Agile start-up. The fast paced businesses have already started embracing the refreshing waves of change. The writing on the wall is very clear. Change your ways of working or become extinct.
Go Agile or go Fragile!!!