Are You Afraid to Stop Being BUSY in Your Coaching Biz, in Case the Bottom Falls Out?
There's a thing I am seeing over and over.......
Badass, amazing, women entrepreneurs, who are in their business a few years and making a good income, are doing all the marketing things they are "supposed" to do, and are EXHAUSTED from it......
they are AFRAID to stop incase the bottom falls out!
I was one of them!
I remember a time when I had a cleaning lady come into my home 3 times a week, and would do my grocery shopping online, and order take out 5 nights a week, because I was "BUSY" in my business, making great money, but thought the reason I had clients was because of the marketing I was doing....all day....every day!
My health was crap!
I had anxiety all the time.
My relationships was awful....I had no libido!
I ended up on Xanax.
I had asthma, every cough and cold that was going round, and I was waking up at night to open my computer and do more marketing
It was like I was a marketing JUNKIE!
Can you relate?
I am just seeing now that this is a REAL THING!
Thankfully I have turned this around, and I am pretty sure many of you in this group have too.
I'm a real life DIVA....I literally spend 23 years on tour with bands, as a singer, and I was used to having an entourage, delegating, and focussing on my well-being, so that I could be the STAR I am.
I took what I learned from being a star, and made PASSIONS and PLEASURES are my new "addiction".....
I replaced...
Xanax with the beach and nature
take out for home cooked meals which I enjoy cooking
marketing with coaching and serving
getting on my computer during the night to getting on my man
singing again instead being on a computer all day
Comment below if you or someone you know is like this!
Pic of me when I was on tour with The Commitments...note all the men I was around who took care of the diva