Are You Afraid to Make Money?

When Alicia first became a client of mine, I asked her how much money she wanted to make a month in her ND practice. 

$5,000, she said. I politely smiled. 

Why so little? I asked. 

I could tell she didn’t think that $5,000 was a small amount. I could see that it was painful for her to even speak that number out loud. 

Over the years, I’ve spoken to thousands of practitioners and coaches who either have no idea how much money they want to make or if they do, the number is so low that it wouldn’t even cover operating expenses and paying themselves. 

Why does it feel so uncomfortable to want to make oodles of money? I mean what business strives to only make $5,000 per month or just $100,000 per year?

Imagine a restaurant saying… ya, our annual rev goal is $100,000. LOL

What would change for you (and your family) if your online health or coaching business made $10,000, $20,000 or even $50,000 per month?


I want your goals to be so big that other people think you’re crazy… because when you have those kinds of goals and then put your head down to do the work, guess what happens? 

You achieve them. And your life changes forever. 

Alicia wanted to make just $5,000 a month because she didn’t realize that she would strive for more. She didn’t know that it was possible for her to have a million-dollar business as an ND who works online. 

Well, fast forward a year and she’s making more revenue in one week than she wanted to make in an entire month. 


It’s time to want more for your business and life. It’s time to dream bigger.

To unapologetically want to make $10,000 a month… for starters. 

Enough with this BS modesty mindset around money.

It doesn’t serve anyone. And it keeps you playing small.

Look, even if you don’t want a big business with a team and all that jazz you can still make $10,000 or even $30,000 a month without a big operation. I got to ? million a year with 2 people helping me. 

You deserve abundance. In all areas of your life. 

Write down your money goal for 2020, take a screenshot, send it to me via DM on Instagram. 

Maybe you won’t hit it this year… that’s ok. The point is that you’re levelling up so you can hit it. 

It’s ok to want to make oodles of money in exchange for transforming lives. 

With love & inspired ‘I want more for you’ hustle,



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