Are you afraid? No, I am concern for myself and those around me and for the least healthy and the world economy.
Doug Hohulin
To Save 1 Billion Lives with AI, Exponential Blueprint Consulting LLC, President/Founder, When the AI System Has to Be Right: Healthcare, AV, Policy, Energy. Co-Author of 2030: A Blueprint for Humanity's Exponential Leap
To “shake hands” or “gather with friends” or “wear a mask” or not? that is the question.
mene, mene, tekel, parsin -
“King Belshazzar gave a great banquet for a thousand of his nobles and drank wine with them … That very night Belshazzar, king of the Babylonians, was slain” Daniel 5
Death came so quickly that Italian writer and poet Giovanni Boccaccio commented: “one could eat lunch with friends and have dinner with ancestors in paradise.”
I was at a gathering on the 4th of July weekend,
A person came up to me and held out his hand and to shake my hand, I just waved.
He then said, “are you afraid” and he tried to do a fist bump,
I just waved again and I said, “no, but I am concerned.”
He then said, “you are afraid.“
I thought later, I could have responded, how many people will need to DIE before YOU are concerned?
I realize his attempt for handshaking or fist bumping was just trying to be friendly but stating “I was afraid” brought up strong emotions.
Author’s note, I am glad I did not come back at the time with my witty & snarky comment implying he wanted people to die. During this time especially, it is especially important to be kind and give grace when someone says something you do not like.
Author’s note, if we could go to the top of a steep blue ski slope or go out water skiing at 30 miles an hours or wake surfing off the back of a boat, I wonder who would be the “fearful one” in these circumstances. – saying this to the person would not have been kind either.
Author’s note, I stayed outside almost all the time at this gathering - keeping proposer social distancing - most of the time. I am trying to balance having fun and being with people and practicing good hygiene during this time of a pandemic.
As highlighted in this video, when Taylor Swift feels strong emotions, she writes a song.
See Taylor Swift Monologue Song – SNL
When I have strong emotions, I write a blog. You do not want to hear me sing.
In early May I wrote this blog, 2020 - A Year Without.
I think it provides insight into how we must balance being with friends and interacting with the world but still practice SSHHIELD to avoid disease: Social distancing, Sleeping, Hygiene, Handling stress, Interacting with others (with social distancing), Exercising, Learning new things (with social distancing), and following a healthy Diet.
I do not want to live in fear but do be cautious. If this means wearing a mask inside or when I am closer than 6 feet from someone (even if the overall value is low), I will try to do that.
2020 - A Year Without ...
… Summer & Spring
… School & Sports, Gatherings & Graduations, Weddings & Funerals
… Jobs & Justice
… Family, Friends, Food, Freedom & Future
… Health, Happiness & Hope
Will this “Year without a Summer” turn into the “Winter of our Discontent” and then a “Dishonest Decade”?
Will 2020 be remember like 476, 1347, 1453, 1492, 1520, 1533, 1789, 1816, 1914, 1917, 1939, 1949, 1991, … ?
Will this eruption of disease and death be our Mt. Tambora?
The tragedy of the commons will be the destruction of us all.
We need to unify as we struggle to find a new normal. May those who cherish freedom, family, friends & faith find the way to health & hope and the strength to do what must be done.
Practice SSHHIELD to avoid disease: Social distancing, Sleeping, Hygiene, Handling stress, Interacting with others (with social distancing), Exercising, Learning new things (with social distancing), and following a healthy Diet
Avoid TARGET to get disease: drink, smoke and watch too much news and party with those who do.
We either continue to work & innovate or perish, so we continue to work & innovate.
Can this be Our Finest Hour as Humanity Comes Together as We Isolate Ourselves?
"The whole fury and might of the enemy must very soon be turned on us. [COVID-19] knows that [it] will have to break us in this island or lose the war. If we can stand up to it, all [humanity] may be freed and the life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands. … Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if humanity last for a thousand years, humanity will still say: 'This was one of our finest hours."
see the picture: