Are you afraid of dark shadows?
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
I am not a psychologist, but I’ll try to research this since I myself am curious, as I get this feeling a lot, that someone is directly behind my back. I used to think I was scared of the dark, but I think it’s just that I think someone is directly behind me, watching for the right moment to hit me. I get this feeling when I watch or hear a scary story and my back isn’t to something, or if it’s dark and my back isn’t to the wall, or if I’m in a basement or tunnel, where air is mustier. I think it goes under the category of agoraphobia, the fear of people, scopophobia, the fear of being stared at, or if it’s just a startle that you had when you were tense or anxious it might be a startle reaction/response.
This is one of the likely reasons why when someone goes to a restaurant they will most likely choose to sit at a booth vs. a table. There’s more comfort & privacy, less people walking by and maybe brushing or bumping against you, it’s more cozy and there’s more room, etc. It might seem more cozy and private because you are aware of what people can see of you in the room and that your back is to something and are aware of your surroundings. When you feel someone watching you from behind, you might look back a lot or just wait for that person to go in front of you to feel safer.
You’re probably feeling the way you are do to anxiety, or stress, or nervousness, or something that happened when you were younger. Some people think that it’s a form of paranoia too. What I do now if I have to go downstairs is I put my wall to the back while going down, or if I’m in public, I’ll just give something for my hands to tinker with so that the nervous energy can come out a different way. My friend just exercises if he feels anxious or gets that feeling, and my sister sits down and reads until it goes away. Any of those things might work for you too, so just try it.
If it’s a certain person that you’re scared of being behind you, you could try to spend less time around them if they make you stressed, or if they are your roommate or part of your household, just try not to let them get behind you. If it’s just a feeling, maybe try doing what I do. What I do now if I have to go downstairs is I put my wall to the back while going down, or if I’m in public, I’ll just give something for my hands to tinker with so that the nervous energy can come out a different way. My brother exercises if he feels anxious or gets that feeling, and my sister sits down and reads until it goes away. Any of those things might work for you too, so just try it.
God hasn't given us a spirit of fear, but Power love and a sound mind. You shouldn't have fears especially if someone behind you. If someone's behind you then they got your back. But if they're trying to stab you in the back or harm you you still shouldn't fear. You just do your best. And God will take care of the rest. If you live a life of fear you'll never grow. What happens behind us is mysterious, sometimes unseen, dreadful, dangerous, secret (since we just don't have eyes in the back), threatening - those are the possibilities, but it’s not always so, is it! Sometimes, it’s a friend with a surprise! But, more often, those things that “sneak” up on us from behind always have that tinge of threat. It’s how danger approaches!
Whenever I have had this feeling of someone behind, I have always paused, communicated erased the misunderstanding if any and moved on and in both case of mental and physical perusal. However it persists then taking precaution of his her intention of mental persuasion intimate authority in a light tone for record and focus on work and. Positively it dwindles away. Opposition to other and negative thought never works, for adamancy becomes extreme ,the best method is to give a little time and accordingly dissuade in case the process is unwanting and unjustified.
However in case of adulation and jealousy - well architected moves and patience gives result. When no-one's talking to you, don't feel ignored, look at your phone and smile. When you misfit in a group, do more of listening than talking, nod to what people say and make them comfortable. Don't think that everyone's watching you; you are not that important. Never forget, your clothes, physique, looks, accessories and makeup are not your identity, your emotions, your goals, your deeds make you. Don't be conscious. More you highlight or glorify your personality using artificial sources, more likely people will notice your flaws.
Comparisons make you feel inferior, unworthy and less. Are you a designer cloth kept in a showroom? Who asked you to compare yourself with others? If people are rich, do they pay your bills? If people are attractive, do they solve your any purpose? Why bother? Learn the art of laughing at yourself if people make fun of you, arguing or explaining will make you the centre of attraction. What else? In case of competitive obsession it is better to concentrate on work and communicate appreciation and let the ego play subdue the aggression and befriend with a healthy distance to resolve the unnecessary deviation I case in excess. Cheers!