Women's ridiculously simple way to build wealth for retirement.
Michael Kissinger
We're Successful Coaches Who'll Help You FREE with Common Sense-Proven-No BS-High Performance Guaranteed Coaching to Build Your Life, Business, or Turn Your Vision into Reality. We've Helped Thousands Generate Millions.
Your Secret Wealth
Discover how to easily, instantly and continuously get personal profits and all the abundant wealth you want out of your life, out of your job, out of your own business or any business with which you are involved. Are you prepared to begin living the life you were meant to live–to develop joy, purpose, excitement, focus and passion in your life? Begin today and find your own secret wealth!
Very few of the multi-millionaires in America work harder, are smarter, better trained, more talented, or luckier than you!
“Every human being we have ever met, irrespective of the business, the job or life situation they are in, possesses at least one and normally multiple instant jackpots that are within their grasp. All they have to do is recognize them, believe that they are there, and believe that they are entitled to harvest them and the financial and the personal wealth and riches that come along with them.”
Then why aren’t you so rich at your retirement? What’s their secret? What are they doing right? What did they do right?
What they are doing right is that they’ve happened upon their own secret wealth . . . everyone has it! And you can find yours too!
Discover how to easily, instantly and continuously get personal profits and all the abundant wealth you want out of your life, out of your job, out of your own business or any business with which you are involved so you "ESCAPE" retirement "HELL.".
Once you apply the secret wealth principle you will become liberated forever from all the fear, the uncertainty, the problems and the difficulties you’ve previously struggled with all your life. You’ll gain total control over your financial circumstances, your emotional circumstances, your career, your wealth and your retirement. You’ll shift your focus from your own needs to the needs of others, learning to add value and transform the way others see you, discovering that wealth creation is really value creation.
The moment you open yourself up to exploration and discovery is the moment your wealth building process really turns on.
Learn from a group of experts who have successfully guided thousands of people and business owners to new heights of personal success. If you are putting out a great deal of effort and settling for a result many times less than what you’re entitled, you are losing out on such incredible wealth and opportunity, it is shameful.
The philosophy that will guide you is simply this: “I want to get the highest and best possible use and effect and result from every effort and action I ever expend in my business, on my job, in my retirement and in my life from this point forward.”
Are you prepared to begin living the life you were meant to live–to develop joy, purpose, excitement, focus and passion in your life? If so, "Begin today and find your own secret wealth!" Avoid Retirement HELL: Earn more in retirement than when you worked by discovering your secret wealth.
Do you fear ending up a bag lady when you can't work? What is your strategy to keep this paranoid fantasy from becoming a reality?
One of the longstanding fears for women is that that retirement will see them living on the street, homeless and destitute. As it turns out, this fear is far from unique. In fact, it even has a name: Bag Lady Syndrome.
According to a poll by Allianz Life Insurance, 49% of American women fear ending up a bag lady, even those who make six figure salaries. In fact, according to a recent survey of workers by the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies, only 14% of women are very confident in their ability to retire comfortably.
Yes. we have heard the news: Women continue to make huge strides in school and in the workplace. But we also know the reality.
Women are at a much greater risk of financial insecurity in later life than men for many reasons.
1. Longevity Does Not Work in Women's Favor
The women in my family generally live to be close to 100. While most people are impressed by my genetics, I find longevity to be an expensive double-edged sword. How am I going to pay for a 30-year retirement? The average American woman lives six years longer than the average man, which is why 70% of Social Security beneficiaries over age 85 are women. There are 50% more elderly women living in poverty than men.
2. 54% of Women Don't Plan to Retire, Ever
Like Mrs. Hughes on Downton Abbey, over half of all American women plan on working until they drop dead.
3. Almost Half of All Women Plan to Work Through Retirement
Shuffleboard and sensible shoes are not everyone's dream retirement. Roughly 49% of women plan on continuing to work during retirement. While work is pleasurable for many women, and delaying retirement is a terrific way to shore up savings, the job market for 70- year-olds isn't great. Planning to simply not retire is not a viable retirement strategy.
4. Baby Boomers Are Still Living the Dream
Like every other gen X-er on the planet, I figured out in college that I would spend my life paying for someone else's social security, since it's a benefit that I doubt I will ever enjoy. However, this bitter worldview is generational. To wit: 26% of baby boomers (born 1946-1964) don't have a backup plan if they are forced into retirement sooner than expected due to health problems or job loss.
5. Time Off for Caregiving Negatively Impacts Retirement
Millennials, get ready to be poor when you are old. Even if your baby boomer parents put away enough money for retirement, you might still have to supplement their care. A recently published study by the Employment Benefit Research Institute calculates that female baby boomers on the verge of retirement have a savings shortfall of nearly $63,000, while male boomers have a deficit of $34,000.
What's worse, 58% of women don't plan to take time out of the workforce to act as a caregiver for a child or an aging parent, which is odd considering that 80% of American women give birth at some point during their child bearing years. In fact, the average woman spends 17 years raising children and 18 years caring for aging relatives (including her spouse).
Of the 22% of the female population who aren't living in denial of the time suck that is parenting or childcare, 67% believe that taking time off work to care for children or aging parents will hurt their ability to save for retirement.
While women who take off time to be caregivers lose out on matching funds and cannot contribute to a 401(k), a survey by the asset management firm BlackRock shows that women can close the savings-gap when they return to the workforce. However, they miss out on the magic that is compound interest during years spent being caretakers.
6. The Majority of Women Expect to Self-Fund Retirement
Only 5% of women expect a company-funded pension to be the primary source of retirement, because less than a third of women will receive any kind of pension at all. Roughly 27% expect to rely on social security, while 59% of women expect to self-fund their retirement through a 401(k) or other savings and investments.
7. Part-Time Work Is Women's Work
Due to childcare responsibilities, women are much more likely than men to work part-time. Not only does this translate into a much smaller paycheck, most part-time jobs do not include benefits such as health care.
8. Women Are Less Likely to Be Offered a Retirement Plan
Also, because part-time workers of either gender are less likely to be included in 401(k)-style retirement plans through work, fewer women are offered retirement benefits.
This is compounded by the fact that women who take time out from their careers to raise children or care for aging relatives are not eligible for retirement plans and miss out on matching contributions.
9. Women's Annual Contributions to 401(k)-Style Plans Lag Behind Men
This falls into the "No Duh" category of financial factoids. Women's annual contributions to retirement plans lag behind men's because women make less money on average, and have to take off more time for childcare.
10. Fewer Women Take Advantage of Retirement Plans Than Men
What is preposterous, however, is that even when women are offered retirement plans, only 77% participate, compared to 82% of men!
11. Women Think They Will Only Need $800,000 to Retire Comfortably
Statistically, women live longer than men, and therefore have a longer retirement. This should correspond with higher estimates for retirement savings needs. However, it does not. The median estimated retirement savings need for women is $800,000, compared to the $1,000,000 median men need to feel financially secure in retirement. Why is there this discrepancy?
12. Women Are Guessing Their Retirement Savings Needs
Alas, the main reason that women are low-balling their savings is because 57% are just guessing their retirement needs. Only 8% of women in the Transamerica Study used a calculator to run numbers.
While this is depressing news, women of every age can take these steps to improve their retirement readiness and beyond.
1. Develop a Retirement Strategy and Put It on Paper
Use a retirement calculator to figure out how much you will need to save each year — including both employer-sponsored plans and outside savings.
2. Plan Your Parenthood
Can you actually afford to have children? If you already have children, carefully consider any and all options to help mitigate the impact on your long-term financial security. Can you move in with family to help save on childcare costs?
3. Seek Retirement Benefits
If you employer doesn't offer you a retirement plan, it doesn't hurt to ask for one or seek out an employer who does.
4. Participate in Company Plans
Regardless of how little money is left over from each paycheck, workers with 401(k) plans should try to maximize the amount of money they put away, especially if the employer matches funds. Women (and men) who don't participate in matching 401(k) plans are literally refusing free money.
5. Educate Yourself About Retirement Investing
If you can, seek professional guidance. Learn about ways to stretch savings, including when to withdraw money from retirement accounts with minimal penalties.
6. Do the Math
Use a retirement calculator to estimate your retirement savings needs and do everything in your power to achieve that goal.
7. Share Your Knowledge and Plans
Talk to your family and close friends about your retirement plans. Managing financial and time expectations should be part of everyone's retirement strategy.
8. Have a Backup Plan
Do you have disability insurance or life insurance or your own business? Identify possible cost-cutting or money-making lifestyle changes such as moving into a smaller home or living with roommates. Consider starting your own I-Commerce Business either part-time or full-time.
Make this year the most abundant year ever in your life and career by following this simple plan... All you must do is: answer a few questions, decide what you want and act on your plan.
We're curious, what do you want most out of your life, career, profession, or business? What do you want least…?
Let I-Commerce give you specific applications that have generated high E-Profit payoffs and created a competitive advantage. Most women want more money, less stress, and more time with family. They want 1 or more of 21 problems I-Commerce solves.
1. Elimination of unwanted jobs, professions, careers or small business that don't let you control your life, your future or ability to earn E-Profits
2. Elimination of debt so you get greater prosperity and financial independence
3. Elimination of inability to support your family members financially when they are in need
4. Elimination of work you don't enjoy and wish you never took in the first place
5. Elimination of worry about unexpected expenses
6. Elimination of debts that prevents you from reaching financial security
7. Elimination of your inability to buy a home or pay rent in today housing shortage
8. Elimination of the retirement crisis most people have in their retirement
9. Elimination of the lack recognition for achievement from work you are presently doing
10. Elimination of your ability to pay for education for self and children
11. Elimination of stress.
12. Elimination of time challenges that prevent you from having good family relationships and time with their family
13. Elimination of time challenges that prevent you from having more time for hobbies, recreation and self.
14. Elimination of the "lone wolf" cycle that prevents you from having more friends, deeper relationships and acceptance
15. Elimination of health and fitness challenges that prevents you from living a long, health, ageless life.
16. Elimination of challenges that prevents you from having fun and happiness in life.
17. Elimination of what is preventing you from owning your own home or a new or nicer home
18. Elimination of what is preventing you from owning a car or a new or nicer car
19. Elimination of what is preventing you from 1st Class travel
20. Elimination of what is prevening you from leaving an estate to your heirs
21. Elimination of what is preventing you from making charitable contributions
What about You? Which one of these 21 things do you want to eliminate from your life or your families life, so you can live a full and complete life?
Sooner or later, you will need to come to the realization that we must be part of your future, especially if you want to eliminate anyone or all of the 21 life challenges that most women have. We’ll all be involved together in one way or another. Let us give you the blueprint to follow so that your strategies are effective while meeting your objectives with the lease amount of risk and be more successful and profitable.
To get these 21 things and advance your life there are 5 things you must do…
1. Don’t change. Start an I-Commerce Online Business. You must advance your career and become a professional. This is a business where you get paid for recommendations and promotions. Things you have always done since you were 5 years old but not paid for. Now you can get paid for them.
2. Buy from your own business and receive discounts and volume bonuses
3. Specialize and develop clients in your business and received up to 35% discounts and bonuses
4. Refer others to your business and build a team of like-minded people who want to do this and received bonuses
5. Be teachable. Accept professional coaching and mentoring until you are successful or making at least $5,000-$10,000+ per month
What do we do?
We show women how to have their own Internet I-Commerce on-line shopping malls, so they make unlimited money 24 hours day 7 days a week in the $3.7 trillion health, wellness, fitness and beauty Industry.
So, what is it going to be for you… Doing what you have always done expecting to get a different result. OR
1. Spending an Hour that Turns Your Life Around and Puts You on the Right Career Plan.
2. Grabbing a destiny that is just waiting to be fulfilled by you
3. Creating the Life and Career You Always Wanted and Have Your Best Year Ever
4. Getting 1 or more of 21 things most people want. More money, less stress, and more time with family, etc.
5. Making unlimited income working in the $3.7 trillion health, wellness, beauty, fitness and consumable industry
6. Getting paid from this I-Commerce Online profession which hit a new record with $167 BILLION in global sales. Roughly $65 Billion (40% of the $167 Billion), was paid directly to distributors via commissions. That’s $5.5 billion a month, or $185 million a day!
7. Receiving coaching, mentoring from world class professionals who will help you get 1 or more of 21 things most people want.
8. The rest is up to you.
Have we connected yet?
Have you’ve thought about working with a team of millionaire professionals and mentors… creating a dreamy career…making a SIGNIFICANT impact...finding super cool people to be friends with (the kind who like to travel the world, go out for gorgeous dinners and work for themselves, too)?
We'd like to have a "Meet and Greet" with you and talk about what you're up to and how together we can make this your best year ever. Let’s discuss what we are doing for a living and how what we’re doing will benefit you. This will be a win-win for all of us. Let me know your thoughts.
Can you say no to such a whopper of a deal? Probably not without kicking yourself. So, don't do that. Instead... take us up on this, we’ll guide you through the path to your financial, business, prosperity and life success...
We know you have success in you. Everyone does. But HOW and HOW FAST are really the big question. This is the answer. Will I see you at your Free Coaching Session? You'll see a new you when you're done with it.
To Your Success,
Professor Michael Kissinger
Profit Builders Inc
Phone 415-678-9965
Email: [email protected]
P.S. Normally you would pay a small fortune in tuition and spend several days sitting in a big conference hotel ballroom) to get access to this goldmine of life and career-changing information. But you can have access to it NOW, in a single coaching session, and it’s TOTALLY FREE!!! So, make sure you reserve your spot by contacting us now. Also See: Social Security Administration | Publication No. 05-10127 https://www.ssa.gov/pubs/EN-05-10127.pdf
P.P.S. We are curious, what do you do for a living? What do you like most about what you are doing?
If you’re serious about living your greatest life and achieving massive success in ALL areas of your life this year (wealth, health, relationships, career or business), then make sure you do everything you can to attend this free life-changing coaching session.
P.P.S. I may have something that could possibly be a fit for you. It will not take away from anything you are currently doing. If I text you a short link on “How We Generate Cashflow”, if you will watch it in the next 24 hours? Please send me your cell number and I will get it to you. The link will come in the form of a text message from our secure server phone number: (770)-766-7161. Watch it in the next 24 hours and I will be in touch. Wishing you the best
P.P.S. What Will You Do For Retirement Income if not this?