Are you affected by self-belief and impostor syndrome issues?

Are you affected by self-belief and impostor syndrome issues?

Do you believe in yourself?

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Do you believe in yourself? So you do, great, how do you know? We have all heard the phrase believe in yourself, but how many of us know what it means or, even more importantly, how to do it?


Think about it, if it was that easy to do, all we would need to say is "I believe in myself", and theoretically, we are ready for anything. I'm not here to rain on your parade or make you feel that you can't, but after 28 years of studying beliefs and, more importantly, limiting beliefs.


I can tell you that it's more challenging than you think; however, with the correct information and the proper techniques, you can believe in yourself and, consequently, change your world for the better, even dramatically better.


Limiting beliefs operate subconsciously, which means you aren't even aware that you have them. So instead, you will express them by avoidance behaviour. For example, you would make excuses as to why you can't go for the job you have always wanted, turn down the invitation for that team building course and even justify to yourself why that perfect member of the opposite sex wouldn't be interested in you if they knew you.


These are all limiting beliefs and are wrecking your life and destroying your future.

So, where do they come from? Well, the bulk of your beliefs are created during the imprint period, From birth to seven years old. So, although we constantly form beliefs, this is when most are made.


Its analogous to placing a bag of popcorn in the microwave, all of a sudden, there is the constant popping of the corn. Eventually, it slows down to the occasional pop every few seconds. The frantic popping can be likened to the first seven years of your life, and then after that, it's the occasional pop, and a new belief is formed.


Initially, our beliefs come from several sources. Still, mostly from our parents or authority figures such as school teachers, the imprint period is so important and influential because we are like sponges during this period. Because of this, we tend to accept everything as fact, so when someone tells you that you don't have a note in your head as you attempt to play the piano for the first time at four years old, if you accept this as a fact. Chances are you will?

never successfully play a musical instrument again.


Then, a few years later, you will be handed a recorder at school. You blow into it and make an awful sound, to which the teacher and all of your friends cringe and grimace, and the belief then re-emerges from your subconscious, "You don't have a note in your head", and once more, the assumption is reinforced!



This makes me sad as so many of us go through life being so much less than we can be, all because someone carelessly told us we couldn't do something at a time in our lives when we could hardly be expected to be successful at anything.


But there is good news, limiting beliefs can be undone. The trick is doing some detective work to find out where you have them. The first place to look is where things need to be fixed. in your life, where you would like things to be better or what areas of life never go as planned or produce disappointing results.



Think about it and ask yourself, why do I have this belief? Was it relevant then, is it relevant now, who said so, and by what authority do they claim to know so much about me?

Just by asking yourself these questions, you can quickly undermine the limiting belief and take action to reinforce a more empowering idea based on the new insights that you have just acquired.?


As a result of limiting beliefs, we tend to make compromises in our decisions to avoid disappointment. The problem with this is that when we compromise, we are sabotaging ourselves. Think about this scenario.



There are two opportunities in your company, one for the manager and one for the assistant manager. You have always wanted the manager's job, but the uncomfortable feeling creeps in, and you don't feel good enough.?


You talk about it with well-meaning friends and family, and they say, "Don't set your sights too high. You will only be disappointed" they confirm your doubts, so you listen to the advice and apply for the assistant manager position.


Ironically you didn't just lower your sights to avoid disappointment. Instead, you made it highly unlikely that you will get the second position that you went for either because you don't have the desire or the passion for that post; therefore, you will make much less effort to achieve it, you will delay gathering information, you will go to the interview half-hearted, and you will come across as the wrong person for the job, why, because you never really wanted it in the first place.


The truth is, you were more likely to get your first choice of job because that is where your passion lay. The main job ignited your desire to act, study, prepare, and do whatever it took to get the position. The worst thing you can do is compromise with what you want because you will end up with nothing, nothing you want anyway, so go for it, don't compromise. You will be so surprised by the results you achieve if you just put your heart and soul into what you want.?



If you identify with anything you have just read, I strongly recommend that you click on this link where you will find the answer to belief and impostor syndrome issues.


Please visit? discover more about what is really possible for you.


Mark Baker

Speaker. Author. Coach

Inventor of the Imprint Bracelet


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