Are You Acquiring Ideal Clients Consistently?

Are You Acquiring Ideal Clients Consistently?

How many Ideal Clients have you acquired so far in 2022?

In a recent survey of financial advisors, the most common answer to that question was... Zero.

That's right. Zero. 0. Nil. Zilch. Squadoosh.?

As much fun as it was looking up the word squadoosh to ensure I was spelling it correctly, this pains me to see.

Now I know the financial services industry is difficult. You've probably heard the story of my first day as a financial advisor before but, just in case you haven't, I'll share the extremely short version:

It's the mid-1980s and I'm 26 years old. This was for all intents and purposes my first 'real' job. I don't want to succeed in this job, I NEED to succeed. I'm staring at a massive amount of debt and getting back to just being broke was my goal.

The irony that I was even allowed to be a financial advisor is laughable.

In any case, I was determined. I walk into my sales manager's office, sit down, and ask what's the process to attract and acquire high net-worth clients?

His response.?"Bill, you're going to start in your natural market."

Upon hearing that my manager wanted me to work in my ‘natural market,’ clearly meaning there was no distinct, proven, repeatable process to acquire high net-worth clients, I decided to create my own.?

For the next few years, I honed in on mastering this process. As a 20-something old advisor I was stealing, or I prefer the term, rescuing, high net-worth clients from their current advisor. As time went by, I started training other advisors in my office on this process I created.

Fast forward 34 years later and this process called,?Values-Based Financial Planning, has helped thousands of financial advisors master client acquisition, and elevate the value they deliver to their Ideal Clients, which in turn has helped them build their Ideal Business.

So how does this help you right now?

Chances are very high that your current approach to client acquisition practically guarantees that you will work too many hours, for too little money, and for too many of the wrong clients.?

Why build this type of business when you can build your Ideal Business.?

The best part about this industry is that you have the ability to truly build any type of business, so why not build?your Ideal Business??

In order to work fewer hours, acquire more Ideal Clients, and make more money, so you can improve your quality of life, I created a 1-hour online training specifically for you!

Click here to register and claim your free seat today.

During this?free online training?on?Thursday, May 19th at 11am PT / 2pm ET, we'll take a deep dive into 5 critical questions:

  1. What is the?best definition of Client Acquisition that will guide all of your decisions, focus, and actions??
  2. Who should your?target client be and why?
  3. What's the?biggest mistake most financial advisors make?and what to do about it.?
  4. Why is it easy to?“steal” (rescue) the best clients from established advisors?
  5. What are?the?7 Critical Conversations?for successful client acquisition mastery?

I’ll also share case studies, stories, and examples of what the best advisors do well, and what most advisors are doing wrong. I’ve helped thousands of advisors over the past 30+ years build their Ideal Business so they can live their Ideal Life... and now it’s your turn!

This is serious online training dedicated to helping you genuinely become a master of client acquisition.?

This is NOT seminar training, social media marketing tactics, and you won't learn a new fad that has no proven track record.?

By investing 60 minutes with us, you'll learn a proven process, with a track record of 34 years, that has helped thousands of advisors all over the world become more skilled, more confident, and more competent at client acquisition.?

Register Here & Claim Your Seat!

Online Training: THE ROADMAP FOR ADVISORS: Learn A Proven Process To Master Client Acquisition & Acquire Ideal Clients

Date and Time: Thursday, May 19th at 11am PT / 2pm ET

Our monthly trainings are limited and tend to fill up quickly so make sure you?register today ?and add this training to your calendar so you can join us a few minutes before and claim your seat.

If you are content working with a lot of small clients or living in the transaction world, this online training is NOT for you.

However, if you would like to serve a?smaller number of clients?at a?higher level of value, for significantly more?revenue per client,?claim your seat ?for this online training and join us this Thursday.


Bill Bachrach, CSP, CPAE的更多文章

