YONER Liberia
Access to higher education, entrepreneurial education, sustainable rural agriculture development, and tech innovation.
On Wednesday, August 25, 2021, YONER Liberia presented Cash Awards to the three winners of UNLEASH SDGs Hacks Liberia 2021.
Cash prices were in twofold:
Additionally, all participants including talents, judges, partners, experts and facilitators of hacks received certificates of participation for their support and involvement.?The award event was held at YONER Liberia Office in Paynesville.
This year’s SDGs hack was again sponsored by UNDP Liberia, and held under the theme “Unlocking Sustainable Solutions to education and climate change Challenges in Liberia”. YONER Liberia worked closely with the UNLEASH Liberia 2021 organizing team, Mr. Samuel Kpator, Mr. Goto Cooper and Ms. Annette Witherspoon (PhD)) to deliver a successful event.
Through a collaborative 8-day event, 16 young talents from 3 counties in Liberia (Montserrado, Bong, and Maryland, 1 talent joined from Turku, Finland). These talents were selected through a rigorous selection process and placed in 5 teams. The teams worked with local and international education and climate change experts and facilitators to identify and find solutions to some of the most challenging education and climate change problems in Liberia.?The hackathon event was attended by a total of 36 people of both local and international. Other participant of the event included - 5 facilitators from 5 countries (USA, China, Ghana, Nigeria and India); 4 experts from 3 countries (Liberia (1), Jamaica (1), USA (2); 4 members of the OT team (Liberia and Germany); 6 judges (Liberia); 1 person from the Unleash Secretariat (Denmark).
The facilitators guided the teams through the UNLEASH innovation process of problem framing, ideation and prototyping. It was a great opportunity for the talents to learn, network, collaborate and share ideas. The facilitators were inspired by the Talents humility, dedication and demonstrated commitment to the process.
The hack was held from 26th June to 3rd July 2021.?On Saturday 26th June, the hacked was launched with an opening statement delivered by, Amb. Bobby Whitfield, Chairman and CEO of the National WASH Commission. After which, the talents were welcomed to UNLEASH with a video recorded message from the Chairperson of the UNLEASH Secretariat, Flemming?Besenbacher. This was followed by a short video from Unleash Ambassadors in Sub-Saharan and an official introduction of the experts and facilitators. The lead facilitator then took the talents through an introduction of the UNLEASH innovation curriculum. After which the talents entered the first phase of the innovation process – problem framing.
The hack was 100% digital due to ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the related regulations. Internet access was provided for all participants at two work stations – SMART Liberia and ICampus.?UNLEASH Lab made available a licensed Zoom and Miro board programs for all participants to enjoy the innovation process. The process served as a springboard of exchange between the talents, organizers, experts and facilitators.
From Sunday 27th June – 2nd July, the talents worked in their respective teams. The talents during the week had regular consultations with facilitators and met with several experts to help shape their ideas. 3rd July marked the last day of the event. During the last day, participants through team cluster had the opportunity to share their solutions-based ideas through a 3 minutes pitch to an audience of experts, fellow talents, judges and members of the organizing team. Before the pitch, judges held an in-depth briefing (On boarding) to familiarize themselves with the judging criteria. At least 5 of the 6 judges were already familiar with the UNLEASH hacks process, having served as judges in 2020.
The pitch event was designed to further develop the talents public speaking and time management skills.
Below is the list of the winners and brief summary of their business solutions:
1st place: Team 3_ Briqco Liberia?
Members: Ezekiel Nyanfor; Christian Weah; Boakai K.C. Hina
BriqCo Liberia is an emerging climate action enterprise to create a clean, green and affordable cooking fuel known as briquettes which will help reduce the high?demand and dependency on charcoal.?BriqCo Liberia products will be made from easily accessible biomass materials, at an environmentally friendly production site, packaged in recyclable bags, and sold at affordable rates to local communities.
2nd place: Team 2_ Waste to Treasure
Members: Christopher Willie; Veronica Massah; Eli John Bayee
Waste To Treasure aims?to turn Organic waste into organic fertilizer, this solution seeks to provide realisable, sustainable, and environmental friendly ways to contribute to SDGs #13 Climate Actions. We are going to package the fertilizer for sale. With this social enterprise we will not just be reducing methane gages created by waste in landfills which contribute hugely to Climate change and global warming but we will be reducing deforestation, boosting Agriculture productivity, and Create employment for disadvantage youths in these communities.
3rd place: Team 5_Childhood Learning Hub Liberia
Members: Christian C. Shane Jr; Lydia B. Porkpah; Jeremiah Tamba Nemour
Childhood Learning Hub Liberia is a social enterprise created help improve the teaching skills of primary teacher and also enhance the reading abilities of the children. The problem about quality education in Caldwell community is mostly at the primary level (Early Childhood Development) and the main problem is the ability for students to read and comprehends well. Children at the primary level lack adequate reading materials, good facilities, and well-trained teachers within Caldwell community.