Yoga for Software Developers
A developer working from home taking a break ;)

Yoga for Software Developers

No, Patanjali did not write a distinct sutra tailored for software developers! However, I'm going to provide some unique insights pertinent to developers, which you won't come across elsewhere. Do you have 3 minutes? Let's dive in...

Yogasana or yoga poses are defined in the Yogasutra as one that is stable and comfortable (?????? ????????). We developers are kind of stable for sure, but are not very comfortable, are we?

  1. One of the great ideas behind yoga poses is that aging is not the cause of movement restrictions we see in our lives! It is the lack of use. We can be comfortable at any age in poses we were comfortable when we were kids! Children are initiated to Yogasana roughly at the age of 8, so each person can establish a baseline as to what movements our body is capable of. Then the idea is to retain those movements as we age until the last day. Yes, that is possible as shown by many commoners in many communities for thousands of years in parts of India following Yoga and in other parts of the world following the similar ideas! If we can't make those movements as we age, it is not aging or the body that is the problem; It is us and lack of structured movement.
  2. The lower back, shoulder, and arms are typically the ones to bear the brunt as developers age. The pain indicates reduced movement in those parts that we need to restore. All other solutions are just patch works that will bring us back to square one.
  3. Yoga pose tradition provides a subtle solution to the typical problematic practice of first take medicine, rest, and then “rehabilitation” is 'not for you but only for sports persons' attitude. Once any issue is treated and the resting period is over, start restoring the full movements through poses. Here is the key:
  4. There are poses we can use to do movements without aggravating the concern that physiotherapists ask not to do almost forever. Not making this up. For example, If you have disc issues requiring no front bends, you can do parshva uttanaasana as part of self rehabilitation. i.e side bending with legs stretched (always consult experts, this is for info only).
  5. Yoga is not a collection of simple poses, but a serious science and approach to keeping the body and the mind in good condition. This is hard to appreciate without knowing the traditional regimen.
  6. There is NO alternative to knowing basic movements we should never become incapable of and being able to make those movements. No hard work required. Just 30 or so minutes of yogasana and no equipment.
  7. No, I do not teach or promote any organisation. I am a student. Yogi Raghavendra Swamy who learnt from Yogis in the Himalaya inspired SPYSS which is a volunteer run org that helped me re-realize the value. They do not charge any fees.

Software developers often begin encountering issues, typically around the age of 40, and sometimes even a bit earlier. While many of us attempt to incorporate some form of exercise into our routines, I've come to realize how inadequate and unscientific my typical exercise regimen was. In contrast, traditional yoga encompasses balancing poses with counterposes, integrating breath work, eye focus, and mental discipline. It's a remarkably comprehensive system that I highly recommend all developers acquaint themselves with.

Before I conclude this “train of insights”, let me clarify that yoga isn't about achieving union with one's true self, as it's often popularly but inaccurately portrayed (It's accurate for the yoga concept of Vedanta but not for the yoga of Yoga Darshana). Instead, the traditional interpretation of yoga stems from the Sanskrit root word "yuj samaadhav" (???? ?????), meaning 'being equal with the beginning' (attaining samaadhi). This is according to the commentary of great Vyasa and Raaja Bhoja vrutti for Yogasutra. Regardless, learning the traditional methods reveals that modern practices serve as a validation of ancient techniques, representing merely a fraction of the vast tradition of yoga. The ultimate aim is to contain the activity of mind (??????????????????????). Therefore, shouldn't the body be in a state of stability and comfort to effectively contain the activity of the mind?

By the way, aasana/pose means being. Let's be, and let's be well!

Credits: AI generated image by gencraft.


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