Yoga in Indian culture

Yoga is associated with the culture and heritage of India. It is a Sanskrit work, meaning ‘to unite’ and describe a way to live a healthy life. Through one discipline its mind through meditation and align and strengthen its body. There are many theories about the origination of yoga. According to one theory yoga is as old as human civilization but this lacks any strong evidence to support the theory. Another theory believes that it was originated in India about 5,000 years ago. There are various forms of yoga:

Vedic Yoga – As per the Vedas, the Vedic period is the origin of yoga in India

Pre-classic yoga – About 2000 years are covered under this period and Upanishads were created during this period and lasted until 2nd Century A.D.

Classic yoga, post classic yoga and finally the modern yoga.

Yoga indeed an integral part of Indian culture and has changed with the passage of time.

What is Yoga?

In simple terms, it is spiritual science of self-realization

Meditation an important aspect of yoga, is a practice where an individual uses a technique to focus their mind to achieve emotionally calm state.

Yoga and meditation has the potential to play a significant role in a academicians life by improving concentration, weight management, flexibility and sharpness.



