Yoga for Busy Moms
It’s true, if you're a busy mom you probably don't have time to make it into a gym or yoga studio!?You have children to take care of, chores that need to be done, errands to run, and it seems like the last thing you can do is make time for yourself. Luckily, I have the solution- private yoga sessions with your own personal yoga instructor, on-demand, and in person.
Yoga for Busy Moms
If you're a busy mother, “me time” may be a foreign concept to you.?If so, you’re not alone, lots of women feel the same way. “Me time” can sound self-serving and selfish, especially with obligations at home, with the kids and deadlines looming at work. And somehow in your life “me time” has stopped being a priority. But just because you may experience this lack of “me time” doesn’t make it ok. At the heart of it is your connection to self. When you focus on your needs, (physical, emotional, or spiritual) you’ll find you have more energy to manage whatever life throws at you.
It’s true, if you're a busy mom you probably don't have time to make it into a yoga studio! ?You have children to take care of, chores that need to be done, errands to run, and it seems like the last thing you can do is make it into a yoga studio for a scheduled yoga class. Luckily, I have the solution- private yoga sessions with your own personal yoga instructor, on-demand, and in person.
Yoga Needs Guidance
The COVID-19 crisis worldwide saw people turn to online sources to practice yoga to stay fit. While it may seem to be an easy solution, it is not always the best one. Following along with a video or recorded session may not give you the practice your body needs, and may lead to accidental injuries. While everybody can do yoga, it’s not a one size fits all practice. With all the videos, live-streaming and YouTubers out there it's easy to undermine the value of professional guidance. Professional guidance is the key to a successful yoga practice, because you will get tools you need to develop a healthy home practice that you can continue beyond your private yoga lessons. With Body Poetry Private Yoga, you can book a yoga instructor who will work on the poses and sequences that make sense for you, on your schedule and at your own pace.
For mothers who are always on the go, nothing is more frustrating than feeling like you’re wasting your time. And it can feel that way if you don’t enjoy your yoga class or it didn’t fit your needs. You deserve a quality class, that is convenient to you every time. Instead of practicing an “all levels” generalized yoga class that is not optimized for your needs, you deserve to work with a professional who can create a yoga class made for you, your body, your fitness level and your pace. That way you can make the most progress on your self-care journey, and have the most effective classes for the little time you have.?
You Need Flexibility
If you think about it, going into a gym or yoga studio for a yoga class is really inconvenient. It's hard enough to get away from the family, let along organize care for any children, and I know busy mothers simply don't have the energy and time to spare. Fist – to find a class at a yoga studio you have to search through the studio schedule to find the right class times. Then, you have to prepare to leave. Depending on how far the studio is, you have to plan out the times to prepare for your class, driving to your class, and then checking in. All of this can take up a significantly large portion of time, in addition to the actual class time! Compare this to taking a class in home; and private yoga seems like a dream! ?Private yoga sessions are flexible by nature because they can fit into your busy schedule, with a class centered on you so you can reap the benefits.
Yoga Shouldn't be Stressful
Yoga is designed to be a stress-relieving activity, but let’s face it, oftentimes going to a yoga studio can be a stressful experience. The class may be overcrowded, which is not comfortable or relaxing. You may end up with a teacher or a class that doesn’t serve you. The style of the class may not fit your needs and although the teacher is there to guide and offer suggestions, in a public class you’ll get minimal personal attention from the teacher. So instead, you wind up observing the people around you and most often, end up in a pose that you don’t know if you’re doing correctly. Is your alignment correct? Would you benefit from a different pose? Could you use a deeper modification? If so, what prop is best? All of these questions are a lot to think about and take away from the true intention of yoga and leave you frustrated. With private yoga, you are in control of your yoga session and can create the ultimate stress-free yoga experience. You choose the style of yoga you'd like, and where you would like your class to be. That way yoga can be stress free, flexible and with the guidance you need.
Yoga as a Practice of Self-Care
Yoga is a great practice for self-care, because it allows you to be physically active while also calming and relaxing the mind.?
Being attuned to what you need isn’t easy, but practicing yoga as a form of self-care can bring you in to balance. If you’re struggling to fit time for yourself into your day, I can help. My private 1:1 yoga sessions are all about you - your pace, your goals, your schedule, and best of all, we work in your home. When you hire me privately, your class schedule works on your terms. If your homelife gets busy, you can always move your classes around and you don’t have to stick to the same time for every class. This means you can be flexible in more areas of your life. And isn’t that what you need??
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