Yoga and Aging: The Benefits of Yoga as We Get Older
As we age, we increasingly search for strategies to counteract aging's daily effects. For some people, it's as easy as wishing to lessen the minor pains and aches that surface during the day. Others may want to increase their strength and mobility in order to live more comfortably.
Alternatively, we can be trying to find strategies to control our stress levels and incorporate daily mindfulness practices into our routines in order to enjoy and value life. The concept of "active aging" might be the key, no matter what your own objectives are.
The International Council on Active Aging defines active aging as maintaining full involvement in life across seven dimensions of wellness, including physical activities and spiritual interests. You may maintain a healthy lifestyle at any age or stage by being active without sacrificing your mobility or your balance. You can easily accomplish these aims by practicing yoga.
Benefits of Yoga as You Age
You may continue to do the activities you enjoy in life if you follow a well-rounded fitness regimen. When it comes to promoting good aging with a variety of advantages, yoga is frequently the first thing that comes to mind. We frequently hear folks claim that all they need to do is stretch more. When people consider how to approach this issue, yoga immediately comes to mind. In actuality, practicing yoga helps the body maintain flexibility as we age—a crucial component of remaining stable and mobile. But regular yoga practice has lots of other advantages. It could play a significant role in a comprehensive workout regimen.
Let’s break it down. First, when we practice yoga we are stretching and opening the body by moving into and holding poses to help keep the joints mobile and strong. Moving regularly can help minimize inflammation to keep day-to-day aches and pain away. Beyond the muscular system, breathing and mindfulness are at the top of the benefits list for ways yoga can help us combat the physiological impact of stress. When we can reduce stress and increase breathing and mindfulness we stand to sleep better and maintain healthy blood pressure. And finally, in practicing yoga the deep focus on the movements and sensations of the body will build awareness and keep you mentally sharp.
Fewer Aches and Pains
Who doesn’t want to feel better throughout the day? A yoga class will help you mobilize all the joints in your body as you move through specific poses, or asanas. Bringing circulation to each part of the body will help it stay supple and minimize inflammation. This can be one cause of simple muscle aches and pains. Stretching your legs, hips, back, and shoulders will help you bring your muscular system into balance. When you move during your day doing all the things you enjoy, all your muscles will be trained to join in and participate offering your body more support. We know that the more you move the better you feel.??
Strength, Mobility, and Balance
A yoga practice can help you manage the activities of daily living by keeping your body resilient and strong. Moving through the asanas and stretching your body in a variety of ways helps keep your tissues supple—including muscles, ligaments and tendons, and all the connective tissues or fascia. That might sound complicated, but it all comes down to building strength and mobility throughout your body. By getting stronger, we will improve our balance safely and keep our body resilient. We will be more responsive to catching ourselves if we momentarily lose our balance. As we age this can be crucial in preventing injuries caused by a stumble or fall. Yoga also promotes increased circulation and oxygenation of the body which will help you feel energized and refreshed after a great class.?
Breathing and Awareness
Yoga has a long history associated with a religious or spiritual practice. Over time, yoga has evolved to allow us to participate in a way that connects us to the truth of what’s in our own heart and who we are in the moment. For some of us this may feel more universally approachable and accessible. As we practice this idea of deeply listening to ourselves, we can foster self-compassion and self-love and bridge the truths of our miraculous body and our lives. Who wouldn’t want healthy movement, peace, and energy all tied together into one practice??
A key component of any yoga practice is mindful breathing. As we breathe we also focus on how we breathe and even different types of breath practice. This can help minimize the physiological impact of stress, reduce blood pressure, and calm anxiety. Breathing well and fully will also help your pelvic floor and core muscles work organically to bring tone to the muscles that support a healthy trunk and strong back. By really tuning into our breath throughout our yoga practice, we will steadily improve our focus and concentration. Following the guidance of a great teacher we will build awareness of the sensations of the body that can help us meaningfully tune in to how we feel day to day.?
Yoga Classes for Healthy Aging
There are a lot of different yoga classes out there to choose from. If you’re ready to see how yoga can enhance your movement routine, step one is getting permission from your physician so you can exercise safely. Finding a class that helps you move at a level appropriate for you is important. Many of them can be adapted for any level of movement and for different populations.
?We like to recommend starting with a gentle yoga class if you’re unsure what level you might be comfortable with. You can also reach out to the teacher beforehand directly to help you choose.? If you have balance issues or difficulty getting down on the floor, a chair yoga class may work best until you get more steady on your feet. Or, an osteoporosis-safe yoga class may be best for those with that issue. Speaking to the instructor before class is particularly important if you have any health issues or injuries. They might have advice or modifications to help you feel comfortable and safe throughout class. Always stop if you feel any pain or discomfort and seek medical advice before going any further.
We also offer a guided Mindfulness and Meditation opportunity. This non-movement class focuses on various techniques such as body scans, breath awareness and mantras to help focus the mind and be present in the moment.?
Join us for interactive yoga and meditation classes with The DEW Centre. Our classes are designed to meet a variety of client needs and represent a practice that speaks from the teacher’s heart.
At DEW, we pride ourselves on creating a welcoming environment. We strive to empower each client on their personal path to fitness and wellness, offering diverse classes that are accessible to all people.