Yoga After Breast Surgery

Yoga After Breast Surgery

Breast surgery is a life-changing experience. Whether it is breast augmentation, reduction, or breast reconstruction, it has a long-lasting effect on your mental and physical wellbeing. It alters your body shape, symmetry, contour, and tone to enhance your confidence and self-esteem.

Regardless of the physical and mental effects of breast surgery, one may wonder about the implications of breast surgery on daily activities such as exercise and yoga routines. To put your mind at ease, doing yoga and other stretching exercises are not contraindicated after breast surgery.

In fact, you'll be encouraged to resume your daily activities soon after your post-op recovery period. In this article we'll walk you through the recovery process and when you can resume your yoga routine along with what kind of yoga poses are best for you after the recovery period.?

When can patients return to yoga after breast surgery?

According to the esteemed surgeon's recommendations, you'll have to limit your physical activities for a short recovery period. The period after which you can return to your normal physical activities mainly depends on the type of surgery, wound status, and other associated medical conditions. This recovery period typically lasts 6 weeks if the patient is without complications. If complications such as wound infection, hematoma, wound leakage, or bleeding develop, it can become longer than previously estimated. Each surgery is different so the timing for recovery is also different.?

Yoga Poses after Breast Surgery

Yoga is a refreshing physical activity that clears the mind and provides positive effects on physical wellbeing. Many patients prefer to resume their routine as soon as possible after surgery and while it is important to understand that doing yoga is usually safe after surgery you should contact your surgeon to seek medical advice and approval before resuming these activities.?

Secondly, if you start exercising again, it is important to not push your limits. Your experience should be pain-free. If you start feeling pain during any of these exercises, the best practice is to stop the exercise and get some rest to help your body through recovery.?

Once your surgeon clears you and you are sure about your body tolerance to exercise, you can resume your yoga routine. Here are some extremely helpful yoga poses to do after your breast surgery.?

Seated Trunk Rotation

It is a fairly easy and refreshing exercise. Sit comfortably in a chair with your feet supported on the floor. Sit with your head extended and sit tall.?

The best approach is to imagine as if a string is pulling the top of your head towards the roof. Exhale while you twist your head gently to the right. Gradually return your head to the starting position while inhaling.

If you are not feeling any pain at the moment and it becomes easier, straighten your right arm in front of you and follow it with your eyes. Turn your body to the right while following your right arm. Repeat the same process on the left side.?

Seated Cat-Cow

Place your feet on the floor and sit comfortably in a chair. Consider as if you are sitting up straight and a string is pulling your head towards the ceiling.?

From here, slowly arch backward from your shoulder blades, as if you are leaning backward over the back of your chair.?

Follow up with an extreme bending forward as if someone punched you in the stomach.

During these positions, it is important to keep your neck relaxed and not arch your neck or lower back too much.?

Seated Tea Pot or Side Bend

Put your feet on the ground for support and sit comfortably in a chair or yoga mat. Your arms should be crossed over your chest.

Inhale deeply and bend to the right as if you are leaning over a tall ball as you exhale. Inhale as you return to the starting position. Repeat on the opposite side.?It is important to extend your spine rather than crunching down.?


Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the ground, and low back flat on the ground. Hold your hands together in front of your belly, elbows straight. Deeply inhale, then exhale as you slowly raise your arms (elbows still straight) towards the ceiling, then the wall behind you. As you return to your starting position, slowly exhale.

Final thoughts

Many patients want to have the same exercise routine that they had before surgery and this should be achievable. It is considered safe to resume physical exercise after approximately 6 weeks of recovery. Contact your surgeon for a better understanding of your recovery period and physical limitations.



