YOGA 2020
HAPPY , HEALTHY 2020 for ALL the readers !!
Let 2020 begin with a commitment to perform YOGA regularly.
YOGA is not EXERCISE but body/mind connection !! And why it is important – the mind likes to waver - jump from one thing to another never settling most of the time make you loose focus on what you do !! So what is the remedy – how to make mind – not loose FOCUS ??
Yoga is the way – it helps you bring in STILLNESS in your body which is very important to control mind . You have to win over “AIR” element in the body – which can be done through Yoga exercise and Pranayama (controlled breathing).
The Hatha Yoga tells us -- “When prana ( manifested through AIR we breath) moves, chitta (consciousness/mind) moves. When prana is without movement, chitta is without movement. Imagine chitta/mind without movement - the right platform to achieve focus , concentration or DHYANA as it is described in YOGA.
So let 2020 be a SPECIAL year where through YOGA you will WIN over your mind and develop CAPABILITIES to perform fantastically in ANY JOB with full potential (requires total focus) and energy and lead a HAPPY , PEACEFUL life in this world of HARMONY (achievable if more and more people practice YOGA).
An investment in TIME is all that is needed and also the perseverance , commitment that YOGA is first preference over any other competing item .
So friends commit to YOGA and enjoy 2020 - like the year NEVER BEFORE !!!