yLead: Adding value to the world
Barnaby Howarth-Host of the Everyday Greatness podcast
Resilience coach/keynote speaker/ podcast host
There are still some organisations who measure success on how much value they are adding to the world, not by bottom line results alone – they just “focus on the game plan and let the result take care of itself,” and yLead – an Australian youth leadership group – is one of those.
“Culture“ has long been a buzzword when setting up an organisation – people want to work for a group they believe in – they want to feel like they are making a difference in the world after a day of work, and yLead ticks those boxes perfectly – their school leadership days are empowering and uplifting, the highlight of the days are the incredible speakers (including the incomparable Barnaby Howarth).
The difference yLead makes in the world can be summed up by a conversation I had with a year 12 student in Adelaide last year...
The student called me over at the end of the session and told me
“I heard you speak when I was in year nine and I felt so positive about who I was and where I was going after using some of your suggestions in my life, and now I am listening to you speak again as a year 12 leader at my school.“
yLead are adding real value to the world – they are empowering the next generation of Australian leaders, and kids come away bubbling with excitement of the prospect of what they might achieve in life. yLead is the perfect example of an organisation with a culture that makes people want to be involved.