Yippee Kay Yeah, Our Five Star Hotel, Donald Trump Might Be Russian, How Will You Die, Some Tolstoy

Yippee Kay Yeah, Our Five Star Hotel, Donald Trump Might Be Russian, How Will You Die, Some Tolstoy

“I think... if it is true that

there are as many minds as there

are heads, then there are as many

kinds of love as there are hearts.”

— Leo Tolstoy

Yippee kay yeah mother truckers, It’s Monday and time to change the world collectively. How are you? How was the weekend, did you do something fun, did you exercise, or were you a sloth? We had a great weekend; we firmed up our trip back East, now it’s time to fill the calendar with appointments. 

We have many visitors coming in the next 30 days; our home is a Western Haven for our Eastern friends, it’s nice to get out of the valley and see the mountains. Our kids stayed with us on Saturday night; we played some Euchre, our executive chef, aka my Queen, did her thing, our home is like a five-star hotel sans the maid service. 

Things are returning to normal; we will see what the CDC states this week, I think we are about a week away from a new rule allowing the licking of faces. The journey and changing stance on masks, can the virus transfer from surfaces, asymptomatic people can transfer, wait, can’t transfer the virus. As a non-medical person, I’m confused as hell. But I wear my mask, out of respect for others.

On Friday, The Thompson Group raised over $800 for Joy International, a non-profit in Conifer, CO. Our friend Ian Campbell hit a home run asking for bonus money if he played requests. Our new concert series has now raised over $2000.00 for various non-profits in our marketing territories. Also, six hours of fantastic music will forever be available on the interwebs compliments of our firm. We will slowly build our catalog of cover artists, allowing for the free enjoyment of music for generations.  

We may or may not be the only insurance firm in the nation that has a concert series that features local artists and helps non-profits. If you know of another, do tell, but I think this might be our contribution to thinking differently during a pandemic. We hired another band yesterday, Kicked to the Curb will be our featured artist July 31st, and the infamous John Beatrice will be doing a country show in the next two weeks. I just noticed the date is July 3rd; we might want to move that back a day or two to get more eyes, July 3rd will be a time for families to gather, I don’t think a good day for an online concert. Dakota, let’s talk about that.

We did a five-mile hike on Saturday and a three-point five-mile yesterday, looking at the schedule today, I think we can do a two-mile trek, it does the lungs, muscles, and mind to move at high altitude.  My father is setting an example of people over 80 years old; he is walking five miles a day around Beautiful Parker City, if he can do it at 80, you can do it at your age. Our family is nomadic, if only in small areas of terrain.

Our daily workouts continue, 30 minutes, moving our bodies, doing planks, push-up, flutter kicks, in circuits have our bodies firming up, and our minds satisfied we are keeping these old vessels as new as possible.  At 80, my parents are in excellent health; they will both live to be 100, I’m banking on 114 myself. I will decide to end my life; I think by 114, I’ll have had enough of this life and be ready to break on through to the other side.  I’ll take that last year, saying what I need to say, loving those that need my love, letting go of all my possessions, and preparing for the transfer.

How will you die? Have you thought about this? I know, a weighty topic, but it’s inevitable, one day, your body won’t hold you anymore, you will take your last breath, and I wonder, will you be ready?  Will you die with no hard feelings? Someone asked the other day if my 25-foot fall when I cracked my head and back had any lingering effects. I replied, “I gave up anger.” Anger is a wasted emotion; you might want to look into this option as a human,  give grace and love in every situation.

Dense soup for a Monday, never my intent, but my mind has is on a path that I follow. I never know or care what ingredients I’m given; I add them together and let the message and words form a soup for those who are hungry. We were at the Well on Saturday, listening to some tunes, I’ve been working on some comedy, I asked one of the servers if I could host a comedy night, open mic and she is checking. I think it might be fun; it would force my hand, I have some material, talking about the folks that were excited about our pandemic, telling jokes backward, punchline first, then the back story.

My Queen listens to my stuff, she’s my sounding board, and she tells me I need to work on my stuff. She laughs but tries to help connect the words in a way that punch, not up, not down, just punch.

I sound like I know what I’m doing, but honestly, I am clueless, but I have done a couple of stints, and with our building of an amphitheater, I think comedy might be one of our programs.  I vision music, artists, and others taking our stage, sharing their talents with our guests.

We had a father’s day Zoom call. I asked my sister what she and Ken were doing; they were going to have dinner with the Malones. I asked them to holler at “Post.”  I talked to my daughter and her future husband about the food at their wedding. I’m concerned for our Vegan friends; it’s a dead animal feast, I guess those nonmeat eaters will be having a lot of salad. We also covered the diversity at their wedding. Were we inclusive of all, we do have a transgender guest, a host of all races, colors, and creeds, it’s a blending of society. I asked if there were going to be any Russians there, and my father said, “Donald Trump.”

Welcome to our family, not much different from yours. We laugh, we poke fun at each other, we have some new babies, we have four generations now on our Zoom calls, we have good genes, people like to breed with our kind. By our kind, I mean funny, hard-working, smart, and of European descent.  We are mutts; our bloodlines are a mix of all races, colors, and creeds, including native Americans and some linage from Africa. We are a blend of cultures, ideas, and various socioeconomic backgrounds.

I hope you enjoyed the soup, the ideas, the information I gleaned from some fantastical pool unknown to me. I did wake up at 4:20 a.m., 420 is something, I think it might be earth day. I didn’t get up; I snuggled with my Queen; it was a special time and set the tone for our week of peace, love, and understanding. My wish for you is that you join us on this train, it’s leaving soon, get your ticket, and we’ll do life together.

“I think... if it is true that

there are as many minds as there

are heads, then there are as many

kinds of love as there are hearts.”

— Leo Tolstoy



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