Tamara Nisanov, Ed.M., M.A.
Personal Trainer | Corporate Wellness | Fitness Instructor | Passionate Relationship Builder
In times like these it's hard to focus on much but the virus, its effects on the world, on our life, on our wellbeing and not only on our present but our future. It's all over and everywhere, omnipresent, the news, social media, online, from friends and loved ones, the degree of worry and hysteria varies. Most of us have never experienced something like this in our lifetime. Yes, we've experienced challenges that may affect us personally, our family unit, our town, city, state, country, region but not something like this on such a global scale.
...let's take this as an opportunity to look at our energy and if we're engaging Yin, Yang, a bit of both or are uncertain of what we're feeling.
With all of this said, let's take this as an opportunity to look at our energy and if we're engaging Yin, Yang, a bit of both or are uncertain of what we're feeling. We all know the symbol, the black and white circle, the curved lines and two dots of opposite color. It was all the rage in the 90's. Yes it was popular symbol but what do these terms relate to and how are they relevant for us, especially now?
Yin is the more feminine energy, it's soft, calm, cold, truly connected to earth, like Mother Earth and foundation. In a Yin Yoga class, you generally hold a pose for a few minutes, letting your mind and breath settle into a slow rhythm and letting your body follow. Some of us naturally connect to our Yin energy, and we're slow rather than rushed, calm rather than easily excitable.
Some of us naturally connect to our Yin energy, and we're slow rather than rushed, calm rather than easily excitable.
Yang is the more masculine energy, it's hard, active, warm. It provides form and initiates action. Yang is the light, the force, the hard work we put into everything. You know yourself if you're very much into Yang, you are fire, always moving, creating, not often stopping or slowing down. You're high energy, thinking it's important to always do something and not very comfortable with just laying low, staying calm.
You know yourself if you're very much into Yang, you are fire, always moving, creating, not often stopping or slowing down.
Do either of these descriptions describe you? Are you a bit of both? How is this challenging time impacting your energy? Even though I'm female and I feel connected to my feminine side, I've often used more of my Yang energy, starting to work from the age of 10 and pretty much never stopping. Having to support my single mom with grocery shopping and in her business from a young age, Yang had to be present as I needed fire, activity, action to get things done. As an immigrant I've always felt it's essential to do things, to work hard to achieve the things you want in life because it feels so gratifying to achieve something and know that your hard work is what brought about that achievement.
Action is essential for movement but patience is too.
As I've gotten older, more connected with my mental and physical health, engaged in movements like Yoga, Animal Flow, Functional Exercises, I understood the importance of taking time and not rushing through. Action is essential for movement but patience is too. If my brain races too fast, how could I ever be aware of fully engaging my mind and body in an exercise? Where would there be time or space for a cycle of breath, true inhaling and exhaling? Acupuncture and meditation helped me realize how important engaging my Yin energy was, as my Yang energy was really high, I mean I'm a New Yorker for crying out loud! Yang is present all over me, but Yin is the other side of the coin and as a New Yorker, I'm into experiencing a variety, diversity, and therefore engaging the other energy was essential for me.
In this unprecedented global situation, how are you handling it?
In this unprecedented global situation, how are you handling it? Are you trying to do everything you can, to work round the clock, stock up, clean every five minutes? Work, work, work? Or are you taking a pause, if your job was put on hold or your clients want to take a break, are you using this as a time to reevaluate your life or just be? Perhaps read a book, or rather write that book you've always wanted to? Perhaps catch up on sleep, or a show or movie? Even clean out that closet and minimize.
Yin and Yang are not separate from each other, they are intimately connected.
I've been slowed down by this situation and my first thought is to engage in the Yang energy, even saying that "I need to get some fire under my butt" and take more action, but my body wants to take advantage of rest and calm when I can. Neither is right or wrong. Yin and Yang are not separate from each other, they are intimately connected. We may feel calm at one moment and active in another, cold and warm in the same moment, perhaps it's an hour of activity and 3 hours of rest, or the ratio is flipped. What may work better for you may be very different for the next person.
Since there is so much uncertainty in our lives, how about we find some certainty in what makes us feel better and really taking care of ourselves, mentally and physically? Maybe the lull in work gives you a clue to what energy you need to keep going. Maybe your brain is active and super creative during the quiet time and maybe you say hallelujah for the extra few hours of sleep. Whatever you need, it's a gift that you can take with you for when everything revs up again on our planet. Just know we all have Yin and Yang in us, it's about what feels best at each moment and giving yourself the permission to explore the other side of the coin if you never have.
Just know we all have Yin and Yang in us, it's about what feels best at each moment and giving yourself the permission to explore the other side of the coin if you never have.
Help me spread the #ThoughtfulThursday idea by commenting, starting a conversation with your thoughts, sharing this article with a friend and making improvements in your life by taking the most important aspects of what you read and applying them.
My hope is that these ideas help you in the way you desire them to.
Thank you,
Fitness and Wellness Coach, Personal Trainer, Instructor
EdM, MA Psychological Counseling, NASM Personal Trainer, AFAA Group Fitness, Precision Nutrition Level 1
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