YIELD ——espa?ol abajo————

*update on Winnerhome for at-risk toddlers below*

Romans 6:13 Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God.

You serve who you yield to. If you are not yielding to the Holy Spirit you are yielding to the influences of the world, some of which are very dark. Choose to yield to the Holy Spirit, which is much more convenient. You’ll be glad you did in the long run.

How do we yield to the Holy Spirit?  First by having Him in you. When you accept Jesus into your life as Lord and Savior you are receiving His Holy Spirit. Jesus, the Son of God ascended to heaven and is now seated at the right hand of our Father, interceding for us. But Jesus didn’t leave us alone, He entered us in the form of His Holy Spirit, residing within us when we invited Him to take control of our lives.

John 14:16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;

Even if you don’t feel like you have the Holy Spirit, you do if you have accepted Christ! God has come through, He is a good, good Father! Look what Jesus said!

Luke 11:13 If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!”

You ask Him for His Holy Spirit when you accept Him into your heart. Once you have a relationship with God through His Holy Spirit, it’s up to you to keep yielding to Him. Submit to Him by His Word, spending time in it. Read God’s love letters to you! Respond to His love by singing hymns, living a life of praise and worship, studying, fellowshipping, listening to sermons, sharing your faith. Act on your faith with good deeds and witnessing to others.

You yield to darkness whenever you don’t yield to the Spirit of God. It’s one or another. When I am not yielding to the Spirit of God I usually get into trouble. Even when you think you are yielding to Godly counsel, if it’s not agreeing with your inner spirit and the Word (that is in commune with God) don’t do it! You are either Yielded to God and His Righteousness or UNYIELDED to God and His righteousness. It’s as easy as that. Pretty simple.

I have seen Christians hurt by something and they go into a bad mood, not wanting to get out of bed sometimes. They are looking at things with their physical eyes. If they could see with their spiritual eyes who they are lying in bed with as they are wallowing in self pity, they’d jump out of bed, take a couple of showers and run out of the house.  Don’t yield to the world, yield to God. 

To not yield means to resist. Many times we yield to God by resisting the lure of sin. If you are in the Word and in a state of prayer and worship you will find it easier to do that

James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

I have seen people liberated from all kinds of vices because they would prefer to yield to God than the desires of the flesh.

Ephesians 5:18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;

Most importantly, study the Bible, praying and worshipping continuously. Stay in the state of adoration. Being filled with the Spirit of God is a lifestyle, a decision. Not an hour a day, all day, everyday.

Ephesians 5:19 Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;

God will show you more things the longer you are in that state. He’ll show you less things if you study, pray and worship less. By being in a perpetual state of worship, you’ll see God working more in your lives and God will put things on your heart.

Here’s what God is putting on my heart!


 #1. Finish the building to safely and legally bring in 5 toddlers, with a dorm mom! 

#2. Possibly starting another church, here at the Winnerhome.

#3. A radio station has been offered to me so down the road I am praying about broadcasting sound doctrine 24/7/365

With Much Love In Jesus!

Dean and Winnie Peters

[email protected]

Joyfully serving the 'least of these' in Nicaragua for the glory of God



Facebook = Dean andWinnie Peters

*update on the WinnerHome* Wise counsel suggested that because of our constant influx of visitors and teams, we have to make an entirely separate quarter and play are for the toddlers. (For the sake of safety and legalities). We need this before the government inspection. Also the mother of the original 5 we were looking at was recently murdered. So they are being put into the ‘system’ as we speak. So we need to find another group of kids BEFORE they disappear. Such a long slow painful process!  It's extremely difficult to correctly set up an orphanage in a way that God can bless down here. Lot's of boobie traps. Thank you for your patience with us. We have been trying to do this for 8 years now.  Estimated cost, $12,000 for the rough shell, and an additional $8,000 for the finish. Teams coming down to help us would drastically reduce that amount needed.



Romanos 613 Ni rindas a tus miembros como instrumentos de iniquidad para el pecado, sino a Dios, como los que están vivos de entre los muertos, y a tus miembros como instrumentos de justicia para Dios.

 Sirves a quien cedes. Si no estás cediendo al Espíritu Santo, estás cediendo a las influencias del mundo, algunas de las cuales son muy oscuras. Elija ceder ante el Espíritu Santo, que es mucho más conveniente.

 ?Cómo cedemos al Espíritu Santo? Primero al tenerlo en ti. Cuando aceptas a Jesús en tu vida como Se?or y Salvador, estás recibiendo Su Espíritu Santo. Jesús, el Hijo de Dios ascendió al cielo y ahora está sentado a la diestra de nuestro Padre, intercediendo por nosotros. Pero Jesús no nos dejó solos, entró en nosotros en la forma de su Espíritu Santo, residiendo dentro de nosotros cuando lo invitamos a tomar el control de nuestras vidas.

 Juan 4:16 Y oraré al Padre, y él te dará otro Consolador, para que permanezca contigo para siempre;

?Si no sientes que tienes el Espíritu Santo, puedes pedirle al Padre! Dios siempre te ayudará, ?es un buen buen padre! ?Pregúntale ahora!

Lucas 11:13 Si entonces, siendo malvado, sabes cómo dar buenos regalos a tus hijos, ?cuánto más dará tu Padre celestial el Espíritu Santo a los que le pidan! ”

Una vez que tienes una relación con Dios a través de Su Espíritu Santo, depende de ti seguir cediendo a él. Sométete a él cantando himnos, alabanza y adoración, leyendo la Biblia, comunión, escuchando sermones, compartiendo tu fe. Actúa según tu fe con buenas obras y testificando a los demás.

 Cedes a la oscuridad cuando no cedes al Espíritu de Dios. Es uno u otro. Cuando no estoy cediendo al Espíritu de Dios, generalmente me meto en problemas. Incluso cuando creas que estás cediendo a un consejo piadoso, si no está de acuerdo con tu espíritu interior (que está en comunión con Dios), ?no lo hagas!

Rendirse a Dios y su justicia o NO RENDIRSE a Dios y su justicia, es tan fácil como eso. Bastante fácil.

He visto a cristianos lastimados por algo y se ponen de mal humor, no queriendo levantarse de la cama a veces. Están mirando las cosas con sus ojos físicos. Si pudieran ver espiritualmente con quién están acostados en la cama mientras se revolcan en autocompasión, saltaran de la cama, se duchan un par de veces y salen corriendo de la casa. No cedas ante el mundo, cede ante Dios.

 Efesios 5:18 Y no te emborraches con vino, en el que hay exceso; pero sed llenos del Espíritu;

Lo más importante, orar y adorar a Dios. Mantente en el estado de oración y adoración. Dios te mostrará cosas cuanto más tiempo estés en ese estado. Verás a Dios trabajando más en tu vida y Dios pondré cosas en tu corazón. Esto es lo que Dios está poniendo en mi corazón.

 # 1. ?Termine el edificio para traer de manera segura y legal a 5 ni?os peque?os, con una mamá del dormitorio!

# 2 Posiblemente comenzando otra iglesia Algún día,

# 3. Me han ofrecido una estación de radio, así que en el futuro estoy orando por difundir una sana doctrina 24/7/365


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