Ygnacio Valley Marathon Featuring Cory @ Kinder's BBQ
Hey, we're here. I'm Marc Graves with Courtyard Realty where my job is to be your guide. We're over here at Kinder's. It's packed. It always is. It's one of the best barbecue houses you can get on this side of the tunnel. And so we're going to be speaking with the manager and just a minute, just to say thank you and appreciate it. You see those stuffed baked potatoes. You take that home to one of your children and you're just make a friend out of them in no time.
A number of different Kinder's throughout our little Bay Area here. There are other barbecue houses. There are other meat markets, but I don't think anything touches the quality. And for me, the flavor here, the service is impeccable. I can't say enough about this place. If you've never been here, or if you've been here, you need to come back or try this.
For full article and video CLICK HERE: https://ygnaciovalleycommunity.com/blog/f/marc-graves-at-kinders-bbq-in-ygnacio-valley-walnut-creek
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“My job is to guide. Call me and I will be there in a minute, with all my people ready to go.”
Marc Graves
Courtyard Realty