YET2 - Open Innovation Training

YET2 - Open Innovation Training

Hello Innovation community

yet2 recently started to share our years of knowledge through a dedicated Open Innovation training course to clients with great success. Ideally candidates aren’t just the OI practitioners but also R&D, supply chain, marketing, legal and other support functions. A few companies have asked if we could offer an open course for a handful of people each from several (non competing) companies to be able to attend. We have a half dozen already interested and reach out now to see if this could be relevant for you as well. Please see the attached for more detail on the below;

Open Innovation Training programme for 15+ candidates regardless of discipline.

Offering 8 training modules across four core topics:

  • Overview: Building a foundation in OI.
  • Lowering the hurdles to getting started and partnering with external companies.
  • Protecting your organization while transcending the corporate boundary.
  • Getting to deal.

Designed to avoid “content overload” – training is a mix of yet2 case studies, exercises, role-plays, discussions, and supporting content and tools for applying key learnings in practice.

Our goal is to equip practitioners with the mindset, knowledge, and best practices around Open Innovation (OI) & External Partnering.

1on1 post-training follow-up support included:

  • Deal support through yet2’s Intro2Deal service.
  • Reinforce key learnings in practice on real projects.
  • Feedback & recommendations on your OI system.

Outcomes and impact from recent 30-person courses for large clients:

  • Training unearthed 5 key corporate boundary policy gaps and?client is now formalising more protective policies.
  • Training identified 2 departments putting the corporation at risk around premature NDAs. Training now being rolled out for key people in those departments.
  • Follow-on support through Intro2Deal has directly led to more deals being identified that should happen. Company is now progressing further towards deal and impact..

I look forward to hearing from you about your thoughts. Please feel free to reach out on LinkedIn or email me at [email protected].


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