"Not yet Ready"
Ana Umbelina Neves
Counsellor, Trainer & Educator | Education & Wellbeing Specialist | NOW ON AMAZON: "Emotion Aware" & "Flourish Your Peace"
Zeus and Hera were gazing down from the Heavens, observing the plight of humankind. Hera was particularly upset by a poor man, burdened down] the weight of his troubles, his hunger, and the demands of his family, whom he could neither feed nor humour. “My Lord,” she said to Zeus, “Be compassionate. Send help to that poor man there. See, he is so poor, that his sandals are tied together with seaweed.” “My Love,” replied Zeus, “I would gladly help him, but he is not yet ready.” “Shame on you,” retorted Hera. “it would be the easiest thing in the world for you to cast down on the path in front of him a sack of gold to ease all his worries for ever.” “Aaah! Now that is another thing entirely,” said the Master of the Universe. A vivid bolt of lightning, accompanied by a huge crack of thunder, rent the cloudless sky. The world seemed to stop for a moment and then the birds resumed their singing and the cicadas their sawing. A sack containing gold of the purest quality lay on the path in front of the poor man who carefully lifted his feet and stepped over it in order not to damage his sandals further.
Source: Kiki Stamigou