Not Yet
I am doing something big this year. Yuuugggeee.
Not releasing a new book, even though that is happening.
Not getting 10,000 users for the Introduction Machine, even though that will happen.
I committed to Run The Year.
That's 2,017 miles.
5.5 miles a day on my feet.
I am over 200 miles for January so I am doing well.
Last week I got a package from them. I thought it was my 100 mile marker from a week or so earlier. Or maybe a T Shirt, because I definitely need yet another race T Shirt for my collection. (insert sarcasm here)
It was my medal. My prize for the year, even though I was under 10% through the challenge. ?!?!?!?
It is gorgeous, one of the coolest medals I have. The center spins, and it is shiny and sparkly. It is really cool. I want it!
But I didn't earn it. Not yet.
I have no right to this medal. Yet. I will earn it. I will hit my goal. I will do 2017 miles.
But I haven't, yet.
So the medal is in a drawer. I took it out to look at it, and then went and ran 7.5 miles. Because I want to earn it. What do you want to earn?
Joe Templin's book "Choices: Creating a Financial Services Career" co-authored with Dr. John Stolk is now available by clicking here.