Yet Another View on Citation Scores

Yet Another View on Citation Scores

“How to evaluate scientific research?” is a controversial topic. The easiest way to evaluate productivity and impact is to count the number of published papers and the number of citations. Clearly, this is very na?ve because it is possible to publish many papers that are incremental or of low quality. Counting the total number of citations has the problem that one may be a co-author of a single high-cited paper. This does not say much about the contribution of the author, and citations tend to follow a power-law distribution (i.e., just a few papers attract most of the citations). To address the limitations of simply counting papers and citations, the scientific community has created journal and conference rankings, and metrics like the Hirsch index (first proposed by Jorge Hirsh in 2005, and adapted in many different ways).

Of course, all of these measures should be taken with a grain of salt. In the Netherlands, the “Recognition and Rewards” (“Erkennen en Waarderen”) program [6] was initiated to improve the evaluation of academics and to give credits to people working in teams or focusing on teaching. Similar initiatives can be seen in other countries and at the European level [7]. Although the goals of such programs are reasonable and it is impossible to disagree with statements such as “quality is more important than quantity” and “one should recognize and value team performance and interdisciplinary research”, suitable measures are lacking. Such programs are often used to abandon any measure to quantify and evaluate productivity and impact. In some universities, it has even become “politically incorrect” to talk about published papers and the number of citations. Yet, when evaluating and selecting academics, committee members still secretly look at the data provided by Google Scholar, Scopus, and Web of Science. This is because it is difficult to evaluate and compare academic performance in an objective and qualitative way. This creates the risk that evaluations and selections become highly subjective, e.g., based on taste, personal preferences, and criteria not known to the individuals evaluated. Moreover, in such processes, quantitative data are still used, but in an implicit and inconsistent manner.

Given the above, my personal opinion is that we cannot avoid using objective data-driven approaches to evaluate productivity and impact. Of course, quantitative measures should only support expert assessment and are not a substitute for informed judgment. When using citation scores, one should definitely consider the “Leiden Manifesto for research metrics” [1], which provides ten principles to guide research evaluations.

Some of the practical challenges that I see in research evaluations are the following:

·???????Subjectivity. Rankings of journals and conferences tend to be problematic. Journal lists are highly subjective. For example, in the field of Information Systems, the “College of Senior Scholars” selected a “basket” of journals as the top journals in their field. However, the definition of Information Systems is considered in a very particular manner, mostly driven by non-technical US-based academics publishing in these journals and serving on the editorial boards of the journals they select. The CORE ranking of conferences is much broader, but has similar problems (e.g., the ranking was established by a few computer departments in Australia and New Zealand and is now used all over the globe to decide on research funding and travel budgets). The intentions behind these lists are good. However, it is unavoidable that there are topical biases and scoping issues. Moreover, such rankings are like a self-fulfilling prophecy. This leads to a variant of the Matthew effect (“the rich get richer”), i.e., the higher the ranking of a conference or journal, the more people want to submit to it, automatically leading to a higher status. This combined with a narrow focus, leads to a degenerate view of research quality and discourages innovations in new directions. Although research is changing rapidly, these journal lists tend to be relatively stable. Moreover, highly-ranked journals and conferences have many papers that are rarely cited. Hence, just looking at the publication venue says little about the quality, novelty, and impact of the work.

·???????Biased data sources and data quality problems. There are multiple databases that can be used to evaluate productivity and impact, e.g., Elsevier’s Scopus and Google Scholar (both released in 2004) and Web of Science (online since 2002). Also, dedicated tools running on top of these platforms, such as InCites (using the Web of Science) and SciVal (using Scopus), have been developed. Web of Science has a strong focus on journals published in the US and favors traditional disciplines such as Physics. Conferences are only partially covered. For a researcher in Computer Science, the number of citations in Google Scholar may be 2-3 times higher than the number of citations in Scopus, and over 10 times the number of citations in Web of Science! For a researcher in Physics, the differences between Google Scholar, Scopus, and Web of Science may be much smaller. This means that Web of Science is simply irrelevant for many disciplines. Google Scholar has the most extensive coverage, but also data quality problems. Google Scholar simply crawls academic-related websites and also counts non-peer-reviewed documents. One may also find stray citations where minor variations in referencing lead to duplicate records for the same paper [8]. Also, Scopus and Web of Science have such problems, but to a lesser degree. In Microsoft Academic Graph, my output and citations were split over eight different user profiles due to my last name (“W. van der Aalst”, “Van der Aalst”, etc.). Although Microsoft Academic Graph was discontinued, these flawed data are still used in all kinds of rankings (e.g. These examples illustrate that the impact of data quality problems and limited coverage are not equally distributed. Considering data quality and coverage, Scopus can be seen as the “middle road”.

·???????Different publication practices. Finally, there are different publication traditions that significantly impact the most common measures used today. In many disciplines, the average number of authors is around two. However, in areas like physics, the average is above ten authors, and there are papers with hundreds or even thousands of authors. An article on measuring the Higgs Boson Mass published in Physical Review Letters has 5,154 authors (cf. This 33-page article has 24 pages to list the authors, and only 9 pages are devoted to the actual paper. When counting H-indices in the standard way, this paper will increase the H-index by one for more than 5000 authors. Also, the order in which authors are listed varies from discipline to discipline. In mathematics, it is common to list authors alphabetically. In other disciplines, the order is based on contribution. Also, the “last author” position may have a specific meaning (e.g., the project leader or most senior researcher). Also, in Computer Science, conference publications are regarded as important and comparable to journal publications. In other areas, conference publications “do not count”, and all work is published in journals. The above shows that counting just journal papers while ignoring the number of authors may have hugely diverging consequences for different disciplines.?

These challenges are hard to address. However, as stated before, I do not think it is wise to resort to subjective evaluations of research productivity and impact while ignoring the data that are there. Therefore, I liked the approach and work presented by John Ioannidis and his colleagues [2,3,4,5]. Ioannidis et al. propose to use a composite indicator (called C-score) which is the sum of the standardized six log-transformed citation indicators (NC, H, Hm, NS, NSF, NSFL):

·???????total number of citations received (NC),

·???????Hirsch index for the citations received (H),

·???????Schreiber co-authorship adjusted Hm index for the citations received (Hm).

·???????total number of citations received to papers for which the scientist is single author (NCS),

·???????total number of citations received to papers for which the scientist is single or first author (NCSF), and

·???????total number of citations received to papers for which the scientist is single, first, or last author (NCSFL).

The resulting C-score focuses on impact (citations) rather than productivity (number of publications) and incorporates information on co-authorship and author positions (single, first, last author). Each NC, H, Hm, NS, NSF, NSFL score is normalized to a value between 0 and 1, and these are summed up. Hence, the C-score has a range between 0 and 6.

In the dataset [2], data for 194,983 scientists are reported. The selection is based on the top 100.000 scientists by C-score (with and without self-citations) or a percentile rank of 2% or above in the subfield. The researchers are classified into 22 scientific fields and 174 sub-fields. The dataset is based on all Scopus author profiles as of September 1, 2022. Scopus can be seen as the middle ground between Google Scholar and Web of Science. As mentioned, Google Scholar has much better coverage, but also more data quality problems. Web of Science is unusable for many disciplines due to its bias towards specific types of journals. Note that Ioannidis et al. tried to avoid the problems mentioned before, i.e., they aimed to avoid subjectivity and biased data, addressed data quality problems, and compensated for different publication practices (e.g., number of authors).

The data set [2] looks as follows (after hiding some of the columns and showing the first 40 rows):

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The first three columns show the author, institution, and country. The orange columns show the NC, H, Hm, NS, NSF, NSFL, and C values for each author ignoring self-citations. The first orange column shows the overall rank based on the C-score, and the last orange column shows the C-score itself (with a value between 0 and 6). The yellow columns show the NC, H, Hm, NS, NSF, NSFL, and C values for each author, including self-citations. The final columns aim to show the positioning of the author’s work in the respective subfields. The top-ranked Science-Metrix category and second-ranked Science-Metrix category are listed per author, including the fraction of papers in these fields, the C-score-based ranking in the top-ranked field, and the total number of authors within the subfield.

To illustrate the data [2], I take myself as an example:

Author name: van der Aalst, Wil M.P.

Institution: Rheinisch-Westf?lische Technische Hochschule Aachen

Country: deu (Germany)

Without self-citations:

  • total number of citations received (NC): 42,854
  • Hirsch index for the citations received (H): 99
  • Schreiber co-authorship adjusted Hm index for the citations received (Hm): 64
  • total number of citations received to papers for which the scientist is single author (NCS): 6,678
  • total number of citations received to papers for which the scientist is single or first author (NCSF): 21,516
  • total number of citations received to papers for which the scientist is single, first, or last author (NCSFL): 35,435
  • C-score: 4.8916
  • Global rank across all fields based on C-score: 275

Including self-citations:

  • total number of citations received (NC): 50,145
  • Hirsch index for the citations received (H): 107
  • Schreiber co-authorship adjusted Hm index for the citations received (Hm): 68
  • ?total number of citations received to papers for which the scientist is single author (NCS): 7,365
  • total number of citations received to papers for which the scientist is single or first author (NCSF): 24,116
  • total number of citations received to papers for which the scientist is single, first, or last author (NCSFL): 41,397
  • C-score: 4.9370
  • Global rank across all fields based on C-score: 243

First subfield: Artificial Intelligence & Image Processing

Fraction of papers in the first subfield: 0.4585

Second subfield: Information & Communication Technologies

Fraction of papers in the second subfield: 0.1444

Global ranking within the first subfield based on C-score: 7

Number of researchers in the first subfield: 321,592

Hence, my global ranking based on the C-score not considering self-citations is 275, my global ranking based on the C-score also considering self-citations is 243, and I’m ranked 7th among the 321,592 in Artificial Intelligence & Image Processing.

The above describes one row in the table shown before. To further improve readability, I removed the columns related to the second subfield and only considered the citations, excluding self-citations. The top 25 authors based on C-score are then readable, and the top view is as follows:

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For researchers from RWTH Aachen University, the table looks as follows:

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For researchers working in Germany, the table looks as follows:

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For researchers working in The Netherlands, the table looks as follows:

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For the researchers having Artificial Intelligence & Image Processing as the first subfield, the table looks as follows:

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Readers interested in creating their own analyses can download the dataset created by John Ioannidis and his colleagues [2] and read the supporting articles [3,4,5]. In my view, this is a great initiative to address the apparent problems related to naively counting papers and citations. As usual, the impact of scientific work can only be measured after some time. Hence, measures such as the C-score should not be used to evaluate early career researchers. However, it could help younger researchers to set goals. Also, one should never forget the first principle of the Leiden Manifesto for research metrics [1]: “Quantitative evaluation should support qualitative, expert assessment. Quantitative metrics can challenge bias tendencies in peer review and facilitate deliberation. This should strengthen peer review, because making judgments about colleagues is difficult without a range of relevant information. However, assessors must not be tempted to cede decision-making to the numbers. Indicators must not substitute for informed judgment. Everyone retains responsibility for their assessments.” However, as also demonstrated in [8], it is very well possible to conduct a fair and inclusive cross-disciplinary comparison of research performance using Google Scholar or Scopus as a data source and more refined measures that correct for the number of authors.


[1]??Hicks, D., Wouters, P., Waltman, L. et al. Bibliometrics (2015), The Leiden Manifesto for research metrics. Nature 520, 429–431,

[2]?Ioannidis, J. (2022), “September 2022 data-update for “Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators””, Mendeley Data, V5, doi: 10.17632/btchxktzyw.5

[3]?Ioannidis J., Klavans R., Boyack . K. (2016), Correction: Multiple Citation Indicators and Their Composite across Scientific Disciplines. PLOS Biology 14(8): e1002548.

[4] Ioannidis J., Baas J., Klavans R., Boyack K. (2019), A standardized citation metrics author database annotated for scientific field. PLoS Biol 17(8): e3000384.

[5] Ioannidis J., Boyack K., Baas J. (2020), Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators. PLoS Biol 18(10): e3000918.

[6] Recognition and Rewards (“Erkennen en Waarderen”) program (2019), an initiative by VSNU, NFU, KNAW, NWO and ZonMw,

[7]?COARA (2022), Agreement on reforming research assessment,

[8] Harzing, AW., Alakangas, S. Google Scholar, Scopus and the Web of Science: a longitudinal and cross-disciplinary comparison. Scientometrics 106, 787–804 (2016).

Johanna Greeson

Associate Professor | PhD in Social Work

1 年

I'd like to calculate my own C-score. How can I do this? Thank you!



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