Yet Another Recure Sent Out to Us All!

Yet Another Recure Sent Out to Us All!

Yet another confirmation!

Last night Valerie and I had to great opportunity of joining a worship hour at Edge Water Church here locally. The hour was filled with the strongest and greatest presence (The state or fact of existing or occurring, being in the presentence of a place or thing), of God’s Holy Spirit presence. As entering into the very courts even thrown room of God Almighty.

In these days and hours of such rejection, falsehoods, and religious falsehoods of God, it is of the vast importance that each individual checks and re-checks their own abilities, of personal relationship and of attending places where God’s Almighty Spirit is revealed openly and peacefully, lovingly and Powerfully, in both awareness and actions of God’s movement within His predestine, (of God), (establishing His existence of himself within His Vessels created from and by Him for Him).

“Acknowledge!” “Seek “FIRST & AT ALL TIMES” “God-His Kingdom and His Righteousness!”

“The hour is now and the assurance for “ALL” is “NOW!”

“It is the days when (simply going with the flow has to be checked, individually by each who abides within the shadow of the Almighty Himself).”

“No more delay upon the Lord’s children, nor “ALL” who are remaining on the fence, and “ALL” who are being called by name by the Lord!”

“YOU!” Know who “you” are as much as “The Lord” knows the hearts and souls of “All” mankind!”

“It is no longer dependent, only upon the Lord, but upon His predestinate individuals of His creating, “For just such an hour as these.”

“Lord Your Glory revealed; Your Holy Spirit provides for Your sons and Your daughters!”

“These are the word’s anointed within me for “ALL” of the living upon the earth at this very moment.” “As well as, my hearing from The Lord, who’s Holy Spirit lives within “all” and “me” who truly knows the Lord, as our Teacher and the Lover and guider of our souls!”

“This very anointing revealed into me, as I stood in “ALL,” of Him, in the worshipping of Him, together with many others last night. Where He is and where He always has been, within “ALL,” things.”

The voice of the Teacher, sounding out within my heart and my hearts soul:

“Prepare and fear not, for My hand is upon “you” and My heart for “you” shall be “your” joy and happiness!”

“I am with “you” and I see and I know;”

“You,” are to believe as you walk where I walk.” “Knowing also, that I am everywhere!”


“I am shacking the earth, while My hand remains upon the righteousness; My Spirit I am pouring out upon ALL mankind.”

“Yes, upon “all” who know Me and “all” other’s, rather they declare Me openly or deny that I even AM!”

“Know that I am God, and know that I am with “you” and I am “your” Protector.”

“Do not buy silver nor gold, but allow Me to supply “your” needs, “believing and trusting,” Me!”

“I will show ALL mankind My Power and My glory and many shall call upon Me!”

“Because of you, because of your allowing My Light to shine within you and for within you, outward from you.”

“Direct ALL in Me and be ALL that I created “you” to be.”

‘Forgiveness have I already provided and so have I already given to “you!””

“Knowing that I created “you” for this season and hour!”

“I created other’s for their day, yet you, did I create for this day and this hour, as they allowed Me, so you also, allow Me.”

“Do not measure them any greater than yourselves, but measure yourselves as greater as am I in you, as I was within them.”

“Knowing that because of Me “you” live and because of Me, “you” shall have ALL things required!”

“Know and release as never before ALL that I reveal into “you”; “each going and gathering in, even baptizing ALL in My name; in the Name of Your Father, Your Savior (Son), and the Holy Spirit, I have placed within “you!””

“I have heard the prayers of My people and I even told “you” before-hand, “of things to come!””

“Now as they come and as “you” “Yourselves” see them coming about, and “you” surly do see them now!”

“Delay no longer in “your” own performing of all that I enlighten “you” from within “yourselves,” and do not delay nor hold back any longer, anywhere and everywhere!”

“My acknowledgement back to “my Lord and My God.”

“A Word revealed for you and for me!”

“I declare Yes Lord Jesus, Yes I believe!”

“I shall hear and see and I will not, delay nor find reason nor excuses why I do not reveal what Your Holy Spirit is revealing to me, from within my inner most placement within You.”

“If you are continuing to walk around and talk about how you are or have become a victim; than what you have become is just what you do declare you are!”

“God has not abandoned you, you have abandoned the Truth and the Way and the Life which God so founded both your nation and your family and you upon and within.”

“Even turning from the Truth for the lies, and opinions of others in and from this present day.”

“Even forsaking your own individual personal relationship between The Lord and yourselves, for the very opinions, and ways and thoughts of man.”

“You have accepted the lusts of this world over the goodness of God Himself and His Word!”

“You and no other!”

“The mirror is the proof!”

“Meaning you have rejected the promises of God for the perversion of mankind’s acceptances of evilness! For there is no way in which the very way of all which God has hooked by the mouth and dragged out of the darkness into the light; for all mankind to look upon and see:

that you can any longer call yourself Christ’s people just because you attend a church building made by man!”

“Because your following has become after man’s ways and teachings and preaching over your own following after the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness!”

For there is not one living soul upon the face of this earth which now can say truly that everything that is being pressed toward this nation, and around this entire world, including Israel , itself; has anything to do with God and His care for another let alone yourself!”

2 Timorthy 3

But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come:

For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!

For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

Now as Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, disapproved concerning the faith;

but they will progress no further, for their folly will be manifest to all, as theirs also was.

But you have carefully followed my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, love, perseverance, persecutions, afflictions, which happened to me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra--what persecutions I endured. And out of them all the Lord delivered me.

Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.

But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.

But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

“Not because God has changed one little bit, nor has not one of His Words become weakened because of the evilness being pressed against and towards all mankind!”

“God loves “you” and He has prepared “you” and called “you” for just such a time as this!”

“Even Predestined you!”


“Because when evilness becomes so abound everywhere, victims weaken and run and hide, they bow down to and before all else; they reject all they believe in, all that their fathers and grandfathers died believing; they forsake one another and even give up their children to be killed and murdered before and for wickedness, sake!”

“They turn their faces away from God and all which is good and proper and right!”

“The victims become just that victims, evilness is being shown, even given a time of pride marching and flaunting themselves before all else and God Himself!”

“They believing it to be for their gain, yet, truly only for they revealing of themselves as wicked and evil doers and followers, of and for themselves and their own ways and gains.”

“Know this not “my” “words,” “but God’s Words,”




“For God has already seen the very ending from the beginning, and not one of these agendas of evilness and wickedness being pressed forward shall prevail from a government behind their manly fences and provided fears, believing it is their protection against man and God!”

“When the People of God, and all who stand with God, shall truly repent, not watered down repentance, hoping to trick God;”

“Saying to one’s self,” “I shall pretend to repent to God!”

“You foolish and wicked people; why do you now believe you can fool God, who knows your very hearts and hearts souls?”

“Isaiah spoke about this day and time and season coming, Jeremiah spoke of this happening and coming, Daniel, and every prophet since God gave forth His Word and anointed man; from the very first even shall be till the very end of time itself; has God so declared, shown, and provided for His people throughout all of history and time!”

Yet you have become so deceived that once again man believes they have power over God because of the agendas against God!”

“For God knows and He knows “you,” if “you” shall not repent and turn truly from all which “you” have been taught to fear of man and this world;” then “you” truly have allowed “yourselves” to become imprisoned within the very temple made by God, from “your own freedom!”

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His own, only begotten Son!” (Now this next Word is so very powerful and the Truth of it so victorious)! “THAT WHOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM SHOULD NOT PERISH BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE!”

“Because Of God’s love even to this very day and season, Known to few, unknown to many now!”

“Because of “your” own followings and believing no longer of God, but because of “who you,” fear!”

“He who believes in Him is not condemned; “but” he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”

“And this is the condemnation, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than Light, because their deeds were evil.”

“For everyone practicing evil hates the Light and “does not come to the Light, lest his deeds should be exposed.””

“But he who does the truth comes to the Light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God!”

“Now is the hour of true repentance, not the type in which man has shown and taught you!”

“But the repentance before God of all who believe, for God is seeking a people to serve Him, as those He has anointed before all evilness and all mankind!”

“This is the hour of crushing the enemy under the foot and placing all of God’s enemies under the feet of Jesus Christ!”

“By your own repentance, and turning away from declaring yourself as victims of evilness rather than victorious IN Christ Jesus Our Lord and Savior!”

“This is the final hour of wickedness, to all who shall but believe!”

“For “you” see all which is now before all mankind, being pressed forward and outward, from behind a fence and gate of false protection; these gates shall fall and their fence shall be torn down, for evilness shall not prevail any longer, now “you,” God’s called by name, arise and declare;”


Not In hiding any longer but right out in the open in the streets and the market places, in the courts and in the schools of our children and grandchildren, in the churches made by man’s hands, at work, everywhere shall the Righteous IN Christ Jesus Declare;”


“Restored in these United States, in Israel, and around the entire world! We want law and order and we want liberty and justice for all!”

“We shall remain, “ONE NATION UNDER GOD, because we are truly more than conquerors, in The Son of God, who has restored our faith and transformed our hearts and hearts souls out of this evil victim false agenda!”

“Arise now “you” children of the most high God, The True ONLY ONE GOD!”

“Now go out and fear not any other, but minister to all mankind knowing that if God be for you, who can be against you!”

“Being “The statement,” not the question any longer!”

“Worship in the streets, in the businesses, everywhere that evil abides, worship God of Heaven and the Earth, before and at all times; because God is seeking out the true worshippers!”

“But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him;”

“God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth!”

“Do not hide your worship any longer, do not bow down to evilness and wickedness even in high places!”

“Worship freely and before all creation;”

“For God desires the true worshiper! Worship in schools and before schools, worship in the houses of worship and gather together in your own true worship!”

“For the prayers of the righteous shall not fall to wickedness and man’s own desires of evilness and lustful desires!”

“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who heads My Word and believes in Him who sent Me, has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgement, but has passed from death into life.”

“Live as though you have so passed from death into Life;”

“Life here and now in Christ Jesus, and forevermore, as “you” storm the very gates of all which is evil and wicked accepted by the fallen man!”

“You,” Giving glory to God for He alone is worthy!”

Stop allowing “your” own body to contain the glory of God; let God arise in “you” and release His Glory everywhere!”

“Live as the true son’s and daughter’s filled to over flowing in and with and through God’s Holy Spirit!”

“Here upon this earth where you truly are upon, yet no longer a part of, knowing that the very kingdom of God resides within you.”



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