Yet Another Bad Example of Using or Misusing the Waterfall Paradigm
Glen Alleman
Applying Systems Engineering Principles, Processes & Practices to Increase Probability of Program Success for Complex System of Systems, in Aerospace & Defense, Enterprise IT, and Process and Safety Industries
Through Twitter, I came across Dean Leffingwell's book Scaling Software Agility. This is another example of poor references to old processes and the misunderstanding of how software development processes work in domains (possibly) outside one's own experience.
In this case, DoD procurement methods versus commercial internal software development.
There are problems in all software projects, no matter what development is used. But when thought leaders produce stuff like this, it dilutes the credibility of their message when that message needs to be increased.
Here's the starting point.
This is the Water Fall paper from 1970. 1970, for god's sake. How about a 1980, 1990, 2000, or even 2011 development method? The type of development defined in the 1970 paper is not allowed in the Waterfall paper's domain. And, if the thought leaders would read the paper and stop clipping pictures from the paper (which Dean did a bit before going back to the Red Herring), they would find out that Walker was stating that this approach gave poor results for TRW's effort.
I never met Dr. Royce, but I worked in Building O-6, One Space Park, during a later period (1980) of his tenure. We already had incremental and iterative processes for embedded station holding software. Dean says this model was never to be used in the book, but now that you're using it, here's the problem. This is like the news reporter asking the Senator when you stopped beating your wife. It's a bait-and-switch argument—poor understanding and manipulation of the problem.
Next comes a boneheaded picture. This shows the deadline moving to the left, which violates the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation (DFAR).
You cannot move anything on the baseline without adjustments, either by re-basing or single-point adjustments to the program.
It's not allowed. It's a baseline. It's "against the law." Moving to the right has happened many times. Moving to the left is complete nonsense in the domain Dean describes these diagrams as coming from. If you do that on a commercial project, you get what you deserve—a failed project.
That means Dean's example is not allowed; it's a non-starter. With Figures 2-3 completely bogus, the rest of the chapter is tainted with naive and misunderstood processes.
So why do the agile thought leaders do this nonsense?
I can't say, I haven't asked them. But here's some wild speculation:
In all cases, there are two downsides.
Those with possible solutions need to understand how large, complex systems are developed and stop making nonsensical examples of how to manage projects badly. It's like Men Behaving Badly, a 1996 -1997 sitcom in which the characters do stupid things, and people laugh. The show was canceled partway through the second season for all the right reasons—it was a bad show. Doing things shown in Figures 2-3 could be better project management.
Please Make It Stop
Capability-based Programme Delivery, System Thinker, Digital Integration Planning, Operating Model Development and Optimisation
1 个月This reminds me of a favourite Laurel and Hardy quote, “You can take a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.” Or it sounds like sense only if you can’t recognise it as nonsense. You listen to and employ people who know how to get things done for a reason…..
Transformation Leader | PMO Director | Fin | IT | Budget | Planning | Risk | PPM | Benefit Realization | Metrics | ERP | EAM | Cloud | Data | SaaS | O&G | Energy | Aerospace | Manufacturing | Consulting
2 个月Some people think that repeating a misinterpretation/ misrepresentation enough times makes the story (and themself) appear legitimate. Some things really can’t be fixed (like narcissism) and it’s sad that some people are gullible enough / lazy enough to not do their own homework.
Consulting Project Manager
2 个月Let's stipulate that there were some stupid and cumbersome implementations of "Waterfall" - an attempt to fill empty developer chairs with mediocre coders when good SW engineers were in short supply. In my experience, many of the Agilistas denigrating traditional design-build (calling them "Waterfall") never worked on very complex systems where decomposition & allocation of function & interface definition was both essential & useful. Their dogma was Design = bad, without considering context One guy told me me, "Architecture is an emergent property of Agile development", as he was trying to replace a 40-year-old, $500M system that had literally hundreds of interfaces to other systems, some of them transaction time dependent (a real "hillbilly house" of function accretion over the years... mind numbingly complex). I kept asking for a picture of where he was going to start and how he was going to phase integrating his replacement subsystems into the production system and he kept blowing me off. Senior execs bought the whole, "Agile is better stronger faster and why do you want all that design documentation shelfware?" Agile hype. Fast forward 3 years, $200M spent, minimal functionality implemented, project cancelled.