Yet again, the Menplus program is here!

The spotlight is on the men and their role in family planning, as well as their effect on their partner’s decision making. Do you want to be that man? The opportunity comes to those in the seven program districts and aims to improve men’s engagement in family planning services by encouraging them to get a vasectomy or encourage their partners to use modern contraceptives such as short- or long term methods. In light of Uganda's new "pandemic" of teen pregnancy, those perpetrators who should have been protecting the girls have instead turned out to be the ravagers. Contraception will take care of the undesired pregnancy, but the victim(s) must seek justice. If Uganda is to realize its 2040 objective, the importance of contraception among girls, women, and men cannot be overstated. To reach men, women, girls, and boys, RAHU will work with public and private health facilities in the areas, including Reproductive Health Uganda and Marie Stopes Uganda. Such efforts will not be successful unless local leaders create an enabling atmosphere. This will require each of us to contribute to the realization that contraception benefits not only the user but also the immediate family, community, and nation.

#MenPlusUG @Mariestopes @RHU



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