Yesterday's upd : preventing TEMPs destroying Nation's livelihoods with English

Yesterday's upd : preventing TEMPs destroying Nation's livelihoods with English

Latest LI - 11/10


Artificial Intelligence | June 26, 2018 | DC ? video ? artificial-intelligence AI -- HUMANITY HAS NEVER CREATED A TECHNOLOGY SO SIMILAR OR TRYING TO RESEMBLE WHO WE ARE. AND WE NEED

What Bill Gates said about AI &edu yesterday; what Melinda Gates said; What The Economist said 1983 about AI Future of Education- Footnote

BIRTH OF INTELLIGENCE (AI WHY) VALLEY? When gordon moore unleashed silicon valley with the promise of silicon engineers bring 100 times more comp power per decade from 1965- it made the four sister-to-be towns of clare and francis, tall tree and mountain view the space on earth where every good (and some bad or blind) future designers wanted to cooperatively web.

Fast forward 2018, awkward: when congress were informed computational multipliers had entered a decade of a million times more per decade ( geared to smart chat and human emotional intel) in 2018, both parties were drowning in HIStory's modes of to communicating: consequence the most exciting news humans would ever prep or chat about attracted zero transformational attention in the District of Columbians Instead with noise multiplying egos is quite likely that grounded common sense like Brooklyns Colored Girls of Spring 2024 will be offer last best chance of community coders connecting we the peoples best influences of east and west american coastal belts let alone heartlands from south to north. (Our searches for youthdul common sense across ny suburbs were firrst guided by bangladesh's yunus and abed (7 years aftre his west coast intel briefing steve jobs 2001, bill gates and health foundations modelers 2002+)

video NY 9 year old jan 2008's who's banking to trust

. Our first recording among 1000 New Yorkers starred this 9 year old's banking query jan 2008! if ny ed matters to you -happy to share 16 years of seeing NY edu from the hopeful to the hopeless [email protected] hod 390 )

Like it or not brainworkers/intelligence valley since 1965 made the 20% of people who rule atlantic waves somewhat less relevant to humanity's future than the 65% who trade through the pacific oceans. You can play out different number games of sustainability generation but i like to imagine 15+% of humans naturally care about the poles and canals and deserts where most of nature's energy plays out endgames or giant leaps beyond- celebrating their communities hopes of generating smarter kids.(Again a vias - i went to school with david attenborough's son-his dad's quest of nature through black & white public tv circa 1960 london seemed cool

Before we look at what each of mr and mrs gates' intelligence updated on the weird subject of intelligence quest- it might help to go back to a dilemma Victoria faced 180 years ago. It certainly shows how much difficulty the rest of the world has in translating the queens english even if this isnt congruent to today's parsing american LLM worlds

1838-1843-1860: what worlds might you see in your first 5 years of becoming 18 year old queen of the world's number 1 Empire in 1838- here are some of the conflicts of being the world's most superpowerful intel as well as woman growing through ages 18 to 40

across the channel the french had defined entrepreneurship as the new societal system play out in the republic of having cut off the heads of royalty who had sided with a few land owners versus the mass of the people

in what appears to be a remarkable parallel to 5 angry republicans on nbc 48 hours ago saying its time to close both our borders- england's land owners had passed the corn laws- we will burn corn rather than selling it at a minimum price or supplying the irish who are starving because their potato crop caught a virus

it was in this context that a (possibly mad hatter but apparently good natured -Smithian moral sentiments) scot- james wilson asked queen victoria - what if i start a weekly royal society newsletter "The Economist" among londons chattering classes; could repealing the corn laws be the start of transforming your job (indeed all Royals job descriptions) to celebrate future of commonwealth instead of ruling over slavemaking empire.

transparency note : i come from many generations of diaspora scots- for me james is a hero but it also quite possible that he was the mad hatter in alice in wonderland 1865; thats because james had been a scottish small business owner manufacturing hats before immigrating to London; it is known that mercury used in 19th c hatmaking caused madness; james certainly had no fear in terms of being politically incorrect; at the time he asked whether Victoria would let him get on with royal society chat he had already become an mp and was aiming to get rid of land owner lobbyists who had become parliament's majority; victoria gave the nod to royal society chat ("social action network) to end the corn laws - within 3 years you could say wilson had amazing success- here's bard " The Corn Laws were a series of laws that restricted the import of grain into England. The laws were designed to protect British farmers from foreign competition. However, the Corn Laws also made food more expensive for British consumers. The repeal of the Corn Laws 1846 was a major victory for free trade advocates. It led to a decrease in the price of food and an increase in the standard of living for British consumers. But by this time more than a quarter of all Irish Catholics had starved- the start of 160 years of troubles that became a terrorists lab"

The stories get ever more amazing: james wilson (asia's standard charter bank's origin as queen victoria's charge to james to go free markets for the quarter of humans on the indian subcontinent) and his son in law (walter bagehot) in changing the english constitution. They are stuff that could make a fine Deep Mind video game but lets move on to Economist editor in 1943 Geoffrey Crowther. He didnt just write an article , he compiled The Economist's whole centenary diary of how the TEMPS (Teachers Economists Media-men Politicians) got something so sadly wrong - the attempt to transform to commonwealth also webbed 2 world wars. Wilson was clear the temps had all failed to proactively see the new worlds engineering was accelerating. When Wilson started seeing that Neumann-Einstein-Turing were from 1945 devoting the rest of their lives to new brainworking engines - he wanted The Economist to future histories olong worldwide journeys advancing humanity. So, he sent my father Norman, who had survived being teen navigator allied bomber command burma, to spend a year with von neumann in princeton as well as wall street, un to co-create future-back journalism of the brainworkers era.

At this stage, linguists and neuroscientists might want to blame newton. He had turned the Bard's language of rhymes into 26 abstract letters and taken the rhyme our of wordsmithing. English is the only language i speak ; the 26 letter a to z have no meaning other than prononciation that my brain can see unlike the fabulous pictorial scripts of asia or even the german way of leaping ahead by combining 2 historic words to create a future vision - bard offers hundreds of examples of german linguistic transformation including

Fernsehen" (television) = "fern" (far) and "sehen" (to see)

  • "Flugzeug" (airplane) = "fliegen" (to fly) and "Zeug" (thing)
  • "Handbuch" (manual) = "Hand" (hand) and "Buch" (book)
  • "Hochhaus" (skyscraper) = "hoch" (high) and "Haus" (house)
  • "Kraftwerk" (power plant) = "Kraft" (power) and "Werk" (work)
  • "Menschheit" (humanity) = "Mensch" (human) and "heit" (collection)
  • "Nachhaltigkeit" (sustainability) = "nach" (after) and "halten" (to hold)
  • \

ON Monday 6 Nov in Flatiron New York - re-reading the 2 biographies of von neumann we found that von neumann's wife was coder in chief; if neumann hadn't died of cancer 1957, probably neither his wife nor turing would have committed suicide; definitely girls who code would have been as much a 60s thing as men who astronaut. AS it was Ms Klara V Neumann delivered John's last lecture series COMPUTER & THE BRAIN - at yale on the neuroscience of designing computer code and merging 1000 mother tongues as maths as the language uniting 8 billion beings 21st C. This could bring us again to yesterday's postings separately by Melinda Gates and Bill Gates What Bill Gates said about AI &edu yesterday; what Melinda Gates said;

Both Gates say humans (in Melinda's case, notably womens lift) have no future without good AI, and interpret large language models as likely freeing last chance of little sisters out lasting Big Brotherdom and ending shorting by Teachers, Economists, Mediators, Public Servants


2025 report written 1983 (American Edition Macmillan 866 3rd ave 1984,updates to 1993 sweden's new vikings) by Norman & Chris Macrae celebrated year 33 of visioning inspired by Neuman-Einstein-Turing Intel Dialogues co-sponsored by The Economist since sending rookie Journalist NM for year in Princeton-NYUN 1951 under overall tour guidance of John Von Neumann

The great technological event of the next 40 years will be the steady rise in importance of the Telecommunications-Computer terminal (TC for short)... Eventually books, files, television programmes, computer information and telecommunications will merge. We'll have this portable object which is a television screen with first a typewriter, later a voice activator attached. Afterwards it will be minaturised so that your personal access instrument can be carried in your buttonhole, but there will be these cheap terminals around everywhere, more widely than telephones of 1984. The terminals will be used to access databases anywhere in the globe, and will become the brainworker's mobile place of work. Brainworkers, which will increasingly mean all workers, will be able to live in Tahiti if they want to and telecommute daily to the New York or Tokyo or Hamburg office through which they work. In the satellite age costs of transmission will not depend mainly on distance. And knowledge once digitalised can be replicated for use anywhere almost instantly.

Changing education

There has been a sea-change in the traditional ages on man. Compared with 1974 our children in 2024 generally go out to paid work (especially computer programming work) much earlier, maybe starting at nine, maybe at twelve, and we do not exploit them. But young adults of twenty-three to forty-five stay at home to play much more than in 1974; it is quite usual today for one parent (probably now generally the father, although sometimes the mother) to stay at home during the period when young children are growing up. And today adults of forty-three to ninety-three go back to school - via computerised learning - much more than they did in 1974.

In most of the rich countries in 2024 children are not allowed to leave school until they pass their Preliminary Exam. About 5 per cent of American children passed their exam last year before their eight birthday, but the median age for passing it in 2024 is ten-and-a-half, and remedial education is generally needed if a child has not passed it by the age of fifteen.

A child who passes his Prelim can decide whether to tale a job at once, and take up the remainder of his twelve years of free schooling later; or he can pass on to secondary schooling forthwith, and start to study for his Higher Diploma.

The mode of learning for the under-twelves is nowadays generally computer-generated. The child sits at home or with a group of friends or (more rarely) in an actual, traditional school building. She or he will be in touch with a computer program that has discovered , during a preliminary assessment, her or his individual learning pattern. The computer will decide what next questions to ask or task to set after each response from each child.

A school teacher assessor, who may live half a world away, will generally have been hired, via the voucher system by the family for each individual child. A good assessor will probably have vouchers to monitor the progress of twenty-five individual children, although some parents prefer to employ groups of assessors - one following the child's progress in emotional balance, one in mathematics, one in civilized living, and so on - and these groups band together in telecommuting schools.

Many communities and districts also have on-the-spot 'uncles' and 'aunts'. They monitor childrens' educational performance by browsing through the TC and also run play groups where they meet and get to know the children personally...

Some of the parents who have temporarily opted out of employment to be a family educator also put up material on the TC s for other parents to consult. Sometimes the advice is given for free, sometimes as a business. It is a business for Joshua Ginsberg. He puts a parents advice newsletter on the TC , usually monthly. Millions of parents subscribe to it, nowadays at a 25-cent fee per person, or less if you accept attached advertisements. Here's an entry from the current newsletter:

"Now that TCs are universal and can access libraries of books, 3-d video, computer programs, you name it, it is clear that the tasks of both the Educator and the Communicator are far more stimulating that ten years ago.

One of my recent lessons with my ten-year-old daughter Julie was in art appreciation. In the standard art appreciation course the TC shows replicas of famous artists' pictures, and a computer asks the pupil to match the artist to the picture. Julie said to the computer that it would be fun to see Constable's Haywain as Picasso might have drawn it. The computer obliged with its interpretation , and then ten more stylised haywains appeared together with the question 'who might have drawn these?'. I believe we are the first to have prompted the TC along this road, but it may now become a standard question when the computer recognises a child with similar learning patterns to Julie's.

It is sometimes said that today's isolated sort of teaching has robbed children of the capacity to play and interact with other children. This is nonsense. We ensure that Julie and her four year old brother Pharon have lots of time to play with children in our neighbourhood . But in work we do prefer to interact with children who are of mutual advantage to Julie and to each other. The computer is an ace teacher, but so are people. You really learn things if you can teach them to someone else. Our computer has helped us to find a group of four including Julie with common interests, who each have expertise in some particular areas to teach the others.

The TC also makes it easier to play games within the family. My parents used to play draughts, halma, then chess with me. They used to try to be nice to me and let me win. This condescending kindness humiliated me, and I always worked frenetically to beat my younger brother (who therefore always lost and dissolved into tears.) Today Julie, Pharon and I play halma together against the graded computer, and Julie and I play it at chess. The computer knows Pharon's standard of play at halma and Julie's and mine at chess. Its default setting is at that level where each of us can win but only if we play at our best. Thus Pharon sometimes wins his halma game while Julie and I are simultaneously losing our chess game, and this rightly gives Pharon a feeling of achievement. When Julie and I have lost at chess, we usually ask the computer to re-rerun the game, stopping at out mistakes and giving a commentary. As it is a friendly computer it does a marvelous job of consoling us. Last week it told Julie that the world champion actually once made the same mistake as she had done - would she like to see that game?

While the computer's role in children's education is mainly that of instructor (discovering a child's learning pattern and responding to it) and learning group matcher, its main role in higher education is as a store of knowledge. Although a computer can only know what Man has taught it, it has this huge advantage. No individual man lives or studies long enough to imbibe within himself all the skills and resources that are the product of the millennia of man's quest for knowledge, all the riches and details from man's inheritance of learning passed on from generation to generation. But any computer today can inherit and call up instantly any skill which exists anywhere in the form of a program.

This is why automatically updated databases are today the principal instruments of higher education and academic research. It is difficult for our generation to conceive that only forty years ago our scientists acted as tortoise-like discoverers of knowledge, confined to small and jealous cliques with random and restricted methods of communicating ideas. Down until the 1980s the world has several hundred separate cancer research organisations with no central co-ordinating database.

  • Changing education required multiple societal transformations including: changing communications and what makes people bossy;
  • Changing employment and livelihoods- less than 20% of millennials jobs resemble 20th c industrial age work
  • Changing national politics and public service; changing economists & other professionals


