Yes, you may have the mindset but have you let yourself down?
Andy Naylor
Founder & CEO, Naylor Body Design | Transforming the lives of busy business leaders through health optimization and online coaching.
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However, there is of course, a lot to be said about the physical approach to these things.
How well are you set up ???????????????????? to go after and deal with the demands that you are going to place on yourself in terms of:
???? your training
?? your recovery
?? the pressure and stress demands placed on your by a busy and demanding career
Ultimately your ability to go off and be the most successful, optimal version of you?
If you're honestly out of shape, over weight, get out of breath easy, have poor nutrition and hydration habits and simply do not look after your body, then stop kidding yourself if you think you are an optimal performer mentally - ?????? ?????? ??????
Get over it and wake up to reality!
Your minds ability to optimally perform is intrinsically linked to your body's ability too, and vise vera.
If you're physically not optimal - then you are not optimal mentally and that's having a negative impact on ???????? ?????????????? I can tell you for sure!......
So how can we become physically optimal? Let's consider these initial areas.
How good is your nutrition?
Is it set up correctly to help your body perform and recover?
Are you eating whole foods that are ???????????????? ?????????? to help you bodies ?????? ???????????????????
How well ???????????????? are you?
Do you drink enough water?
Do you consider your electrolyte balance?
(note: you are 75% water with your brain up closer to 85% .. water should be the thing you consumer most of every single day !)
How well ???????????? are you when you wake up in the morning?
How optimal is your sleep?
Your sleep IS your ???????????? <<<< Read that again!
How ???????????? and ???????????????? are you?
Being sat in an office chair all day IS playing havoc with your posture and your mobility and that IS lowering your performance!
How high are your ???????? ?????? levels?
Over 15% (males) 20% (females) and I'd say that is too high to be an ?????????????? ??????????????????.
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It's great having the perfect mindset, but if your body is not able to perform the actions needed to succeed, you're not going to get anywhere.
The balance between perfect mindset and the body ready to deal with the demands will lead you to your own ultimate success
If you would like to learn more about this and maybe how we could help you perform better you're more than welcome to DM back the phrase '???????? ????' or WhatsApp me personally below.
As You Were ??
PS.. click below to chat with me on WhatsApp ????????