Yes. What Did you learn today??

Yes. What Did you learn today??

I want to share my Today's learning experience.

Today morning as usual I was busy with my house hold activities. Suddenly my husband called me. He wants me to perform one exercise. I nodded and started to follow his instruction. He told me to stand without any support with closed eyes and stand without shivering.

I started doing so. After 2 minutes he told me to open the eyes.

Eagerly I asked him "Am I standing without shivering?"

He said no one can stand like this as the vision is not clear so you can not stand steady, without shivering. But if you perform the same exercise with opened eyes you can perform easily.

Lesson : At that time I realized "yes. that's true" If you have clear vision in your mind you can stand or walk in the same direction to achieve it. But if you don't have any vision and mission where will you go?

So decide your vision and mission and start following the same to achieve it.

This is my today's learning. What about you!!

Please share your leaning experience.


