"Yes we Con!" (Fiction)
"Yes we can!" "Yes we can!" chanted the enchanted crowds of Lalaland in unison to their undisputed leader Django's rather loud chants. The chants were in fact so loud that they traveled across the 'Lantic ocean' and eventually reached the people who lived in Sandyland, who, mistakenly believed that Django was their Messiah. So they began chanting in unison as well...."Yes we can!" "Yes we Can!". Now normally this would have been a welcome and positive chant but little did the people of Sandyland know of their bloody fate for Django was inadvertently playing the role of the Pied Piper that spring.
Meanwhile, the chants traveled further across the sands and onto Tigerland, it was not clear how and why, but the chants slowly changed (perhaps due to the unnatural air currents caused by climate change) and the followers of Django in Tigerland started to sing "Yes we Con!" "Yes we Con!" which seemed to be very good common sense to them.
But since the planet was a sphere, the chants continued to travel across the oceans and reached Lalaland once again where Django and his gang heard "Yes we Con", "Yes we con!" Meanwhile, Django's crowd also heard the morphed cries of "Yes we con!" and began chanting "Yes we con!", much to the chagrin of Django himself. Django was flustered and confused. It was now very unclear to Django if he was leading the people or if the people were leading him that evening. Fake currency in to form of confetti rained down on the crowd to end the pogrom that evening.
Meanwhile, the Mad Scientist Society of Tigerland which pretended to work in the massive premises the Government had allocated to them had long given up predicting the weather of the perilous planet, which was kinda tough and fruitless exercise, and instead started a betting ring based on their wishful predictions of the Political climate in the upcoming elections. After all they were hand in glove with the polity whose wish and care was to make 10% of every gutter-pipe laid out in Tigerland.
The Ethical Mr Desi, who now lived in a tiny apartment in Tigerland and Django who lived in a house with a rather large well kept lawn both knew very well the Darkness that lurked in each others souls.
Mr Desi watched the confetti rain of Django's victory on his TV set with great disdain. He could not make out if Django was himself a sincere and committed individual that he appeared to be, or was he going to become a pocket-filler like the rest of them? Django after all had ordered amongst many other things, the surreptitious stealing of Mr Desi's passport, from Tigerland, from right under the authorities' nose, so that Mr Desi could no longer travel and tell on Django in Lalaland. Nor could Mr Desi go back and claim his rightful inheritance in Lalaland. In fact, it was rumored that it was indeed Django who had signed off on the orders to terminate Mr. Desi's bloodline so that his inheritance could be used for the 'greater good' of the people of Lalaland.
However, quite unknown to Django, Mr Desi had been entrusted with the cures of some rather incurable and deadly diseases. Now Mr. Desi had the upper hand, finally, and Django did not even know it! But Mr. Desi was dealing with a perplexing Dilemma:
2. Or would he build a global business around the secret cures which he was entrusted with (with the profit motive)?
What would anyone else have done? What would Django have done? Was Django a friend or foe? Should he help Django's people save and extend their bloodlines?
He thought...and he thought...only to drift off to a restless sleep on that Starry Starry Night....for with great power....came great responsibility....and Mr Desi knew that more than anyone else, more perhaps than the all powerful Django as well.
3 年Surreal?