Is a Yes ,truly a Yes.
UNTERWEGS[Pty]Ltd South-Africa
Active in the Automotive sector ,always doing a deal.
"In an ideal world, yes, a "yes" should unequivocally mean agreement or affirmation. However, in practical situations, it's important to consider context, clarity, and consent. Sometimes, people may say "yes" but not fully mean it due to various reasons such as pressure, coercion, or misunderstanding. So, it's crucial to ensure that consent is freely given and fully understood in any interaction or agreement."
This is the exact answer from Chat GPT.
Ask a question in a very specific way ,and you could get a Yes every time, but is that Yes truth or just a knee jerk reaction with no real meaning behind it.
My wife's own words, " You like spaghetti stories" . I had to laugh because it is so me . Whether good or bad , you be the judge. I communicate with stories [real life stories] , I do not manufacture.
"Pressure, coercion or misunderstanding" . I would like to add manipulation .
Every one of us are a customer and a supplier .Does that statement make sense ? I want you the reader to be engaged and be entertained .
Am I manipulating you ?
You are bombarded with a barrage of information and to make sense, your natural behavior is to filter to exactly to your own tastes, because someone told you that.
A very interesting comment was made [ this is third party opinion that could be BS ,but I will relay the link to when and where he says it, if you like to know].
"You have a perception of the world of your own . Become perceptive to others and refrain from enforcing your perception onto others."
"One mouth ,two ears."
I want to sell you something , and you say I don't like to be sold . Yes you're right.
Are you having a chuckle ? Are you not entertained !
The Personality with the least amount of patience just left and see this article as a waste of time. I have good news ,it's not.
I want to lead not manipulate you , to listen ,evaluate the person in front of you as a complex and unique individual with dreams ,hopes and fears . It is your responsibility to acknowledge that person and lead them to a point where both parties can function on equal terms. Is every person in front of you going to respond to that . No. It is then your responsibility to create the right environment to accomplish a combined goal.
Be better every time until you have mastered the art of leadership.
Every time you are in conversation with anyone ,be it within social media , messages , or in person , be mindful and remember something in this article that you can associate with and practice with the right attitude . I sincerely hope and are excited for every one to practice the value of perceptiveness .
Thank you for your continued indulgence of slight entertainment .
"learn, practice and teach"