Yes, today is the perfect day to start leaning to play an instrument.. we would love to help, we do it all here at DSE Music Tuition
Yes, today is the perfect day to start leaning to play an instrument.. we would love to help, we do it all here at DSE Music Tuition
Music School | Music Lessons - enrol now for 2023!!
Locations: Frankston, Mornington, Mt Eliza, Mt Martha, Somerville, Tyabb, Dromana, Rosebud, Langwarrin, Narre Warrin & more
Lesson types: Physical 1 on 1, in-school (primary), in-school (secondary), remote (live) & streamed (pre recorded video lessons)
No lock in time periods - pay each wee as you go
Theory based teaching - student learn to read music
Amazing, caring & passionate teachers
Renowned curriculum and Musical Education Provider
Start your music education journey in 2023 by visiting
DSE Music Tuition
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