Yes, Thank You I Would Love to Do More!
Meridith Elliott Powell, CSP, CPAE
Helping Leaders Turn Uncertainty Into Opportunity | Thought Leader in Thriving Through Change | Hall of Fame Speaker & Award-Winning Author
3 Strategies To “Create Time” This Holiday Season
If you are anything like me you are just about, or may already be, in panic mode as you scramble to get ready for the holiday season. The combination of running a business, and being the chief holiday organizer, gift buyer, and party planner both for friends and family as well as clients has you about now losing your mind with the need to do more and more, sleeping less, and squeezing every minute out of every day.
The holiday season is the like this big oxymoron, because although we all know this is a time to slow down, to be in the present, and enjoy the company of those we love, there is rarely a break in sight. The eight to five day stretches to seven and nine in the evening, and each week is filled with parties, gift giving, and eating too much. The endless parties and fat-filled foods mean you need to hit the gym more often and exercise more. Then you need to come in to work early, work weekends and unusual hours to make up for all the time you are missing due to parties and exercise. In addition, you have “extra” work this time of year for clients, accountants, and attorneys. Whatever your routine, rest assured once the holidays are upon us it is anything but routine, and it is anything but restful.
After years of seeing photos of myself at holiday parties and family celebrations, looking worn out and exhausted, I decided to get a handle on this holiday season and this lack of time thing. Now while I still have a long way to go, here are three simple strategies I use to help me “create time” over the holiday season. And while I have not quite reached the point of saying “Yes, thank you I would love to do more!” I am well on my way to opening up more time to actually enjoying the holidays.
3 Strategies To “Create Time” This Holiday Season
Protect Your Energy – now I know this sounds a little “out there”, right? But let me explain. Time is something I do not believe we can really manage. Honestly, there are only so many hours in a day, and even if you had another hour would that really matter? No, how much we get done is far more related to how we feel vs. how much time we have. The better you feel, the more energy you have. and the more you will get done. Sleep, water, and surrounding yourself with productive and happy people are the best recipe for increasing your energy. Put those at the top of your “to do” list, and you will see that you will have what you need to get the rest of your list complete.
Prioritize Your Agenda – there are things that have to get done, and things that do not. Too often we allow ourselves to get pulled to others agendas and priorities, asking us to grab coffee or lunch or help with a project. You need to really look at your agenda, both personal and professional, and map out your priorities on your “get it done first” list. I set three goals every day, three things personally and professionally that I have to get done. Only after I complete those goals will I agree to add on other people’s ideas on how to spend my time.
Underage Delegation – learn to delegate, to kids that is. This is my favorite way to increase my time over the holidays. So many kids are home from college and prep school looking for ways to make extra money. I send them to the grocery store, the mail box, address envelopes and I am then able to keep up with that long list of things I need done. It is good for them, good for me, and good for their parents as it gets them out from under their feet and gives them something productive to do!
Yes, finding time during the holidays is never easy, but if you get a little creative, start thinking about protecting your energy, putting your agenda first, and finding anyone else you can get to help you in the process, you may just find yourself singing “Yes, thank you I would love to do more!”
Whatever your schedule, I am wishing you a wonderful and happy holiday season, with the time to slow down and enjoy it!
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Motivational Keynote Speaker & Business Growth Expert, Meridith Elliott Powell works with clients to help them instill ownership at every level to ensure profits at every turn. Meridith is the author of several books, including her latest, Winning In The Trust & Value Economy: a professional’s guide to business and sales success. When not keynoting and leading workshops, she looks for inspiration cycling, golfing or hiking her favorite trail.
Merideth, Congratulations on the Investment News article recently. Merry Christmas.