YES: Stepping Into Yes
Nicole Mignone
Values-based Business & Legal Strategy / Conscious Contracts? Facilitator.
Step 1:
Set a timer for 2 minutes.
At the top of the page write down the words "I want…”
Start the timer and finish that sentence with as many responses as possible in a stream-of-consciousness style.
Go. I’ll wait.
Step 2:
Go through the list and read each one aloud so you can hear yourself declaring what you want.
After you read what you want, state, “Yes. I can have this and more.”
Go. I’ll wait.
Step 3:
While you were feverishly writing and vocally declaring, how quickly did your mind offer negative commentary discounting what you wanted, whether it was achievable, or feasible?
When we were kids, we allowed our minds, fueled by stories and fairy tales, to roam the realms of possibility. Along the path to adulthood the mind became a rigid gatekeeper of the Yes and a frequent enforcer of the No.
It is time to fire the gatekeeper so that more Yeses can come in.
You have the desire and the vision for a reason. It is yours to expand.
Step 4:
Pick an item on your list and spend time over the next couple of weeks imagining all the ways it could be possible.
You have the desire and the vision for a reason. It is yours to expand. Plant the seed, nurture it, and believe in the Yes. This is the seed for your life, your business, and your dreams.
Say Yes to more of what you do want, and No to more of what you don’t want.
Go. Don’t wait.
As a business consultant and bankruptcy attorney, I have seen what makes businesses succeed and fail. You already have the tools; now learn how to create a life and business of infinite possibilities. Enroll in the Fresh Start online course or visit for more information.
Women's Wealth Coach/Financial Services. Aligned mindset + inspired action = Empowered Way. Best-selling author, coach, and speaker.
7 年Nicole D. Mignone - so simple yet so elegant. Love it!