Yes Sisters!

Yes Sisters!

Yes Sisters by Angelia L. White reminds us of the need to surround ourselves with women who like us - WANT to Do More! Angelia is the Founder of Hope For Women Magazine and along with Erin Keely Marshall, takes us on a journey of discovery to identify our own Yes Sisters. Each page | story in Yes Sisters is an affirmation of what’s possible for Women of Faith.


1.????Angelia identifies YES SISTERS as those who believe in us through every season of our life journey – who speak the truth and Yes into our lives.

2.????Yes Sisters is divided into three sections 1) Yes To Believe 2) Yes In Action 3) More of Yes!

3.????Sisters know where we’ve been – who we are now – love us anyway AND help us accomplish our dreams while keeping us on our pathway of growth and transformation.

4.????Yes Sisters prompt the reader to remember that God instills “Dreams In Our Hearts” and even if they lie dormant, they are ever-present in that quiet place we go when we yearn to achieve those dreams and we can do so by saying YES!

5.????Contentment – Gratitude – Ability and Permission are often intertwined with feelings of inadequateness and guilt of what we should be doing or thinking. The awesome message is God is present and requires us to work hard and not sit around analyzing and waiting.

6.????Yes Sisters shows us that 2nd and 3rd chances are real and deserved and yet will not always be a smooth rosy path. Instead, there will be trials and errors. When we experience the Ups and Downs - fear will resurface wanting us to abandon the mission. However, our Yes Sisters will be there to take us by the hand to remind us how far we have come and that there is a LIGHT that awaits.

7.????Stop trying to do it all Alone! | Stop thinking it is weak to ask for help! Instead, recognize we have a choice and do what God would have us do; Stand alongside and sometimes on the shoulders of our Yes Sisters.

8.????It is important to remember that our “Life Journey - Story” can be helpful to others. Our past challenges and heartaches can be used for the better by enabling us to offer a perspective that can assist others in finding pathways to a better, happier, more fruitful life.

9.????Of course, “Mean Girls” had to be addressed and Angelia tackles the reality. Women who for whatever reason seem to find joy in being unkind. The suggestion of “Leaving the No Sister to Him, while he works on You” is sound advice as life becomes more peaceful when we turn away and let Him do His work.

10.?In closing, Angelia & Erin Celebrates Yes Sisters and in doing so focuses on that which we can all relate to; our struggles, challenges, hopes, and fears are still a part of us, and yet if we take time to nurture ourselves the YES will be a part of our very being!

AUTHOR’S INTENT (in my humble opinion)

I first met Angelia when she flew to Texas to attend our inaugural Women’s Leadership LIVE Event. From the moment we embraced, it was obvious Angelia was indeed a SISTER! It continues to be a joy to watch Angelia’s smile widen as she achieves her dreams and in doing so, brings such delight to others.

Yes Sisters is aimed at doing what Angelia does every day. Showcasing the benefits of how we as women are stronger and more resilient when we have “Sisters” in our Circle.


1.?????Angelia encourages us to be on the lookout for the “Defining Moment” that time when God Speaks to you or you feel deep in your soul that it is time to Move | Take Action and in doing so Build upon your Passion!

2.?????Each chapter includes “A Word From A Yes Sister” where women tell their personal stories and in doing so brings us all closer to the realization that we are not alone.

3.?????Finally, Yes Sisters is about FAITH.

?Thank you for joining me on the adventure, here on Books In Bites and I would love to hear your thoughts. Did I deliver enough above to make you interested in Yes, Sisters?

I highly recommend Yes Sisters and you can pick up a copy at Target – Books A Million and Amazon just to mention a few.

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Divinelotustea Toni Hodge

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2 年

Thank you Debbie I love how you outlined the provocative points. I'll be reading this ONE!!

Rob Bliss

Chief Sales Guy @ Purple Cow Branding | Best Websites | Best Prices | Co-Podcast Host Network Today | Small Business Marketing | Rob's Library | The Meeting Place | Your Networking Workspace | Free Event Center

2 年

I love to read books about women, that help me grow as a man in understanding the female side, how to respect one another, the other point of view, and how we can grow, work and love each other better. My mother was very influential in my life and both my sisters were as well. This is a very special topic for me, and the learning and understanding process so important. With the recommendtion of ★ Debbie Saviano ★ this ones going in #RobsLibrary

Jodie Kelsey Wallace

Certified Master Neuro-Linguistic Practitioner NLP ? Life ? Business ? Career COACH ? Christian Spiritual Director... Are YOU in Transition & Seeking a Purposeful ? Authentic Meaningful & Successful Life ?

2 年

Another on my list to order. I do love how you are giving us nuggets of each book. I need more book shelves in my home. And yes, I am one who has to hold the book in my hands to read.

Sara Waskow

Matching People to Business Ownership | Franchise Owner | Executive Transition Specialist | #DFWFranchiseExpert | #Oklahoma Franchise Expert

2 年

I am very grateful that I have many Yes Sisters in my life!

Gail E Dudley

Passionate about advocacy and civic engagement. Three plus years hosting News in Motion. Civic Engagement expert, and media & policy advocate. Elevating people & communities! #Advocacy #CivicEngagement #MediaAdvocate

2 年

Angelia Stone is an excellent writer and publisher. Yes Sister's book is outstanding. Very relatable. Be sure to also check out Hope Magazine the she publishes.


