Yes, let’s celebrate the latest Active Lives results but we should also be worried?
Sport England

Yes, let’s celebrate the latest Active Lives results but we should also be worried?

My social media this week has been alive with numerous feeds relating to the latest Active Lives survey with the Sport England headline claiming that “Our latest Active Lives Adults Survey Report shows the number of people playing sport and taking part in physical activity is back where it was before Covid-19 but inequalities remain.”

I agree that given everything the sector has been through and the challenges it is still facing this is something to celebrate but looking at the data the sector needs to take care with any claims that it is responsible for driving these improvements. Given the amount of funding that has gone into our recovery from government, councils and the sector itself, does the picture painted really represent good value money when viewed against the recent National Audit office and select committee reports, in which our lack of progress in tackling the inequalities in activity was brutally challenged. Perhaps with more honesty the headline should have read “Deep seated inequalities in activity levels still remain despite overall activity levels returning to pre Covid 19 levels.” ?

Sport England has openly acknowledged that the same long standing inequalities still exist. This itself it very worrying given the pandemic and post pandemic rhetoric across the sector about wanting to build back better and build back fairer. It’s simply not happening. Or not happening yet. The inequality gap between the richest and the poorest remains at 20%, between men and women at 5%, between white and non white at about 10%, for those with and without a disability at 21% and between the most deprived and least deprived places at 20%. A similar picture exists with children and young people with a 5% gap between boys and girls, a 10% gap between high and low affluence families, and a 9% gap between white and no-white.?

However what I find even more worrying is that the rate of recovery also appears to be unequal, being faster for those traditionally included and slower for those traditionally excluded. If this was to now become a trend which is not reversed quickly those same inequalities will continue to widen further and we risk being challenged by our health partners (towards whom we are trying to pivot) of contributing to making health inequalities worse not better. ?

The post pandemic recovery can be seen among, young adults 16-54, although not yet reaching pre-pandemic levels. The over 55’s, those with a disability and children and young people which are now at or exceeding pre-pandemic levels. However the recovery is slower among the non-white than white with white activity now higher than before the pandemic. Slower among women than men, but both now above pre-pandemic levels. Slower among the least affluent which remain well below pre-pandemic levels compared to the most and mid affluent which are now both above pre-pandemic levels. Finally slower among the most deprived areas whom remain below pre-pandemic levels compared to the least and mid deprived areas which now exceed pre-pandemic levels. Similarly for children and young people recovery is slower for girls than boys, slower for non white than white, slower for the least affluent families than the most affluent, and slower in the most deprived places than the least deprived.?If these groups are our priority this slower recovery is very worrying.

So where is the growth in activity levels coming from. Despite the declining peak in walking for leisure in the pandemic the growth trend in walking still continues, however the pre-pandemic growth in active travel has yet to re-establish itself. Cycling after its pandemic peak has returned to the same pre-pandemic level, whilst running continues to fall away as does swimming and team games. In conclusion it looks very much as if walking continues to do the heavy lifting in the activity level growth, bringing into the spotlight once again where future Sport England investment should now be focused.

There are a few other interesting trends in the data. Volunteering is recovering but similar dimensions of inequality still exist. There is a drag in terms of how increased activity recovery is impacting on mental wellbeing scores with feelings of happiness, satisfaction and worthwhile not yet back to their pre-pandemic levels. Likewise in terms of attitudes the picture on recovery is similar. Scores on people feeling they have the ability, the opportunity and find their activity enjoyable have not yet fully recovered but there also appears to be some alignment between lower scores on these attitudes and the lower levels of engagement. For example, women and the least affluent feel they do not have the same opportunity to be active compared to men and the more affluent. Helping change these attitudes may be a key lever in addressing the inequality.?

Whilst some celebration is justified the data from Active Lives raises some real challenges for the sector. Despite all our ambitions during the pandemic to take more seriously the inequalities in activity levels change is not happening fast enough. More importantly if recovery continues to go faster and further for those that have traditionally been more active the gaps in activity levels with get bigger and our positioning in terms of helping to address health inequality will continue to be undermined, so affecting any resourcing opportunities coming through integrated care systems.?

To halt this worrying drift urgent action is required to increase the focus on those least affluent and those living in the most deprived communities. It is anticipated that Sport England will shortly announce further investment in place based working building on the local delivery pilots. Getting this intervention effective quickly is now mission critical but we know system change needs time, but this may be the last chance we have to address the inequality that has plagued our sector for over forty years. As we say, we are in last chance saloon.?

Martyn Allison

April 2023.? Lives Adult Survey November 2021-22 Report.pdf?VersionId=ln4PN2X02DZ1LF18btgaj5KFHx0Mio9o Lives Children and Young People Survey Academic Year 2021-22 Report.pdf?VersionId=R5_hmJHw5M4yKFsewm2vGDMRGHWW7q3E

Justin C.

Ethical Leader | Lived Experience, Systemic & Trauma-Informed Consultant | NED & Trustee | EDI Advocate

1 年

2 of 2: often, within the work we do, we think the solution is inside the issue itself and it is ours alone to 'fix' and we all too often keep the picture too narrow to observe simple solutions (a solar system mentality, when we think we are the sun and the problems revolve around us) - Metaphorically, I believe the world isn't flat and the Universe revolves around us... I believe Earth (Physical Activity) revolves around the sun (People we are trying to support), we are a part of the solar system (system, of systems) and need to understand and advocate 'our part' in the lives of complex lives. Personally, I have been a part of solutions that are often found when looking from outside the issue (from another planet, or even another solar system) - in short, all the people with the inequalities you mention, are disproportionally represented, impacted by and involved within both Criminal Justice and Health & Social Care - so, to reach these very individuals with Sport/Physical Activity, partnership with these sectors (if these 2 large systems are seen as planets in our solar system, or in another solar system altogether) is essential for sustainable and deep engagement of "the same long standing inequalities".

Justin C.

Ethical Leader | Lived Experience, Systemic & Trauma-Informed Consultant | NED & Trustee | EDI Advocate

1 年

1 of 2: Thanks for this summary Martyn Allison Hon Member of cCLOA and former FCIMSPA - insightful and after now reading report and the Children Active Lives Survey side-by-side, I agree with a great deal, as for the pivot, I think for a minute or 2, stand still and reflect - we need to be proactive, not reactive! I am looking at this from the perspective of another system or two - 1. The Criminal Justice System (Children and Adults) & 2. Health (Physical and Mental Health). From these perspectives, I see, feel, experience and know that if strategically aligned, Sport/Physical Activity would impact on your list of "the same long standing inequalities" -

Ryan C.

Gym & Fitness Business Consultant, Podcast Host, Author & Network Builder. Helping GYM OWNERS, Hotel Managers, Investors and managers create SUCCESSFUL Fitness Businesses. Black Raccoon Consulting

1 年

You hit the nail on the head when u said co ordination. That is the biggest issue For some reason our national gocernment doesnt care and does the bare minimum so it comes doen to local level. Local councils claim they have no money (despite wasting money on massive wages and silly art projects), local authority leisure seems left in limbo to do their own thing and commercial fitbess seems happy with their 18% uptake. until we find a way to get national, local quthority, leisure trusts, commercial leisure? uksport and ukactice to co-ordinate we will continue to celebrate the activity of the middle classes and and less deprived

Yes absolutely agree John and that’s why we need to do this at a place level with other system partners. But it requires focused collaborative effort. This data suggests doing nothing is a dangerous option. Of course we could also be more honest and say we cannot turn this around and focus policy on keeping the active active. It’s a legitimate position to hold and still relevant in terms of health improvement and the prevention agenda if not health inequalities. Which way do we pivot?

John Oxley

leadership, business transformation and executive coaching in leisure management, physical activity, sport and well-being

1 年

I think there’s no denying the data indicates significant inequality exists. However, isn’t that inevitable? If we look at the conditions and experiences of the most under-served in our communities and the worsening impact of social determinants of health, then those people have far greater needs, I’m afraid, than considering moving about more.


Martyn Allison Hon Member of cCLOA的更多文章

