Yes, Learning Science Matters
Myself included, many of us who studied and still studies science have often been questioned regarding the purpose of it. The major concern-cum-mockery of the so called pundits had been that science lacks opportunities when it comes to employment. Perhaps this is the right and the best time in answering such queries which keeps on popping up every now and then.
To begin with, I understand the difficulties your limited cognitive abilities (or one might call the smaller brain) in realizing the fact that education is something that goes beyond employment. Though employment could be one of the reasons why one has to get educated, such education on the field of the employment itself is necessary only in certain professional areas such as medicine, accounting, engineering and law etc. Almost every other major fields require individuals who have the ability to acclimatise and absorb skills that are essential for their relevant job descriptions irrespective of their majors in formal higher education. Your field of study becomes more or less irrelevant when you have developed the ability and the competency to adapt and improve whenever the demand arises.
Emphasising on learning science, it provides you with an opportunity of looking into each and every aspect of life as well as your surroundings with a different perspective. Be it your daily routine or the complicated matters like the creation itself, science adds a different flavour to the mixture that you could get form nowhere. In addition to that, it enables you to improve your skills in problem solving, especially using scientific methodologies even in day to day lives, be it your profession or your personal life. One's intellectual capabilities, intelligence as well as common sense improve a great deal with science, provided such education is absorbed in the correct form and with a right frame of mind.
There are many living examples (please don't count me eventhough you might be tempted to) even in and around your own neighbourhoods where individuals with scientific backgrounds excelling in almost every other field, be it business, administration, human resources, law, humanities, literature, politics, banking, academics etc., but it ain't possible the other way around. You cannot even understand the simplest of scientific concepts without proper education in science.
In addition to that, science and knowledge in science help a great deal in not only overcoming routine scenarios but even disasters and emergencies. On this day, the entire world is on its knees hoping that science, and science alone will come up with a recourse to the pandemic created by Covid-19.
It is totally understandable that everyone will not have the same ability and interest in understanding science, however, undermining and making a mockery of something which you solely depend upon on every moment of your life just proves to the world the hypocrisy you are wearing on your sleeves. Good luck with it.