Jon Keppel, BFA, MLIS, C.P. L.
Creative, Life Artist, Life Art Teacher, Healer (of self), Coach, Speaker, Author and Advocate for Love and Peace, Library Leader and Advocate, Librarian, Science, Quantum and A.I. Awareness Advocate, TEDx Speaker.
Derek Rydall talks about saying yes to your yes and I experienced this in my life not long ago when I was given the opportunity to go to graduate school for library and information science. I had been working at a library as a shelver for some time and got to a point where going further with my studies was the logical next step. But what is important is that I had to allow that opportunity into my heart. I had to say yes to the opportunity. For me that brought up value conflicts that I had had from the past regarding a devotion to art that had been lifelong. I faced the proposition of seemingly abandoning my calling as an artist for this new calling of librarianship. But during the transition I remember expressing that my life had a sacred place for art in it and in that proclamation something sort of amazing happened. The real union of life and art emerged, and I began to experience the true potential of life art in my life. I was actually practicing it in a real and accentuated way. The librarianship or the beginnings of it anyway was the life art made manifest. That is what I had to understand. And it was that leap of faith to believe in something bigger than myself and in the wisdom and honor and peace that was developing with my library work that took me across that chasm of unknowing and potential doubt that was connected with my limited understanding of what my life was going to be about as someone who identified as an artist. Life art was waiting for me. Everything was art and as I began to understand this and truly practice it all kinds of possibilities opened up for me, things that were always there but which were obscured by my own limited understanding of who I was and what it is I truly wanted to be doing with my life. This is a very important aspect of what life art has taught me. There is infinitely more waiting for us out beyond our feeble constructs of imagined context and structure. We have to keep an open mind and an open heart as we open the circuits for more abundance to come through us. It is worth saying also how during this transition and understanding I have connected with the artwork I make that can be exhibited as well. It is a whole understanding of life. Life art places art in the context of the miraculous nature of vitality itself and positions it to thrive like never before whether as a life practice or as fine art for exhibition. It is all covered with this understanding. So once you discover what it is you truly want, what the real you, the eternal you truly wants, remember to say yes to it, remember to make it welcome into your life and open up the channels for its arrival for it is you and its arrival is your arrival.