Yes I read the AARP Bulletin - Don't judge me! :)
Wow is all I can say!
If you have a minute, read through this short article on cancer survivors and when you get to the part about John Whitley, read through it once and then go back and read it again. John was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. He was given less than a year to live. Determined not to go quietly, John participated in an experimental drug trial and three months later was completely cured. Turned out, however, he was in the group that received the placebo. Every day he unknowingly took that fake pill thinking it was going to be the miracle that saved his life. Turns out it did but it wasn't the pill.
Why was he cured? Don't know for sure. Maybe it was his positive belief that that pill would be the solution. Maybe it was the prayers of family and friends. Maybe it was a combination of both. Whatever it was, it certainly wasn't medically related. It was a miracle!
Two things about this story stick for me:
First, there is a reminder that there is always something we can do - regardless of the situation. Whether we find ourselves in a tough position personally or professionally, a determination to keep fighting and the belief that things will get better can and will have a huge, positive impact on the outcome. No, we may not experience a miracle like John did, but keeping your focus on the positive and the goals you want to accomplish can only help. And isn't that better than simply giving up?
Second, it also makes me think about the impact our words and behaviors might have on others. If positive mental imagery can heal, what will negative thoughts and actions produce? What type of effect will we have on others if we are self absorbed, offensive, exclusive, condescending, dismissive, rude, racist, bigoted, mean, derogatory and on an on? What do those types of actions mean for others? My take, based on this article, is that it is not good. Too many times, whether in the workplace or our personal interactions with others, we are too busy or too self distracted to care. Maybe that shouldn't be the case. Maybe we should be the positive message that people need to hear. Maybe then we could be the miracle we all are searching for!
Go out and let your light shine!