Yes, even Wars Must Abide by a Set of Rules
Edomgenet Hiba Issa
Assistant Professor of Sociology || Training & Capacity Building ll Senior Researcher ll Project Manager
When we think of wars, what often comes to our mind is explosions here and there, brutal death, completely destroyed buildings and abandoned towns, bone-crunching fear and hopelessness, massive population displacement and migration, rampant lawlessness, etc. But does it often occur to you that there is international law for wars too??If it does occur to you, good for you, you have some insights about the legal frameworks of war. If it doesn’t though, now you know that even wars must abide by a set of rules and that set of rules is called International Humanitarian Law (IHL).
IHL is a set of rules that seek, for humanitarian reasons, to limit the effects of armed conflict. IHL protects persons who are not or who are no longer participating in hostilities. IHL originates from conventional or customary laws that are applicable in any armed conflict whether it is international or not. That is why it is also called the "law of armed conflict" or the "law of war.[1]
IHL is made up of various conventions, protocols, and treaties. But its nucleus is the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols. The Geneva Conventions were first signed in 1864. But in 1949, the conventions were revised and expanded.[2][3]
The 4 Geneva Conventions (1949)
Additional Protocols to Geneva Conventions
Other Treaties that are Part of IHL
Data shows that, only in 2022, there are 14 countries where there is an active war. Some of these counties are Ethiopia, Afghanistan, South Sudan, Syria, Yemen, and Colombia.[11] As peace lovers, we recommend that any party involved in wars to end the bloodshed through peaceful conflict resolution mechanisms right away. At the same time, for humanitarian reasons, we beseech all combatants anywhere on the face of the earth to strictly abide by IHL as long as they are in a state of war. More importantly, as a consultancy firm specialized in programmatic research and empowerment, we suggest that it is imperative to investigate if combatants involved in wars have abided by IHL. If there is any evidence of a violation, it is also imperative that we duly examine the physical, psychological, social, and economic impacts. For in this way, we could at least respond to the needs of victims, ease their suffering, and facilitate their rehabilitation.
Article ?(Website content)
Oct 20, 2022
Edomgenet Hiba (Asst. Prof.)
Senior Research Officer, Frontieri Consult
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
[1] Sassòli, M. (2019). International Humanitarian Law. International Humanitarian Law.
[2] Ratner, S. R. (2008). Geneva Conventions. Foreign Policy, 26-32.
[3] American Red Cross. (2011). Summary of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and Their Additional Protocols: International Humanitarian Law.
[4] Collier, J. G. (1992). Legal basis of the institution of war. In The institution of war (pp. 121-132). Palgrave Macmillan, London.
[5] Huigang, L., Menghui, L., Xiaoli, Z., Cui, H., & Zhiming, Y. (2022). Development of and prospects for the biological weapons convention. Journal of Biosafety and Biosecurity, 4(1), 50-53.
[6] Albedwawi, S. A. A. M. (2022). Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD): An Overview. South Asian Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 3(3), 103-110.
[7] English, J. (2013). The Ottawa Convention on anti-personnel landmines.
[8] Solomon, S. A. (2003). The United Nations Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons of 1980: its recent development and increasing significance1. Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, 6, 345-365.
[9] Nystuen, G., & Casey-Maslen, S. (Eds.). (2010). The Convention on Cluster Munitions: A Commentary. Oxford University Press.
[10] Borrie, J. (2021). An Introduction to Implementing the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Journal for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament, 4(1), 1-12.
[11] Countries Currently at War 2022.
Accessed: 2022-10-21