Yes Empathy Will Save the Day!
Nona McCollough Lang
Business Partner @ Tower Garden & Juice Plus | Public Speaking
Did not our Heavenly Father do as much for us when we were lost?
Elohim made Himself a man in the person of Yahushua the Son, placed in Him His Spirit, gave Him a free will and sent him to earth, with the commission to pay the debt that man owed for the transgression of the Law…Matthew 1:21-23, and John 1:1-4.
Find out who are the real owners of the earth.
Our Heavenly Father longs to release to you love, freedom and prosperity. lll John 2.
Get the Book “Fountain of Truth Uncovering the Devil’s Lies” and find out He did it and how it positively affected the lives of every man, woman, boy and girl. Learn about some of things that Yahushua did when He walked on this earth as a man and what He has enabled us to receive as born again believers.
Links to book “Fountain of Truth, Uncovering the Devil’s Lies”, there lays the truth and the direct to freedom and peace among, many more spiritual things...
Those who have an ear let them hear. I heard someone say, just the other day, we just want to be treated the same as everyone else. You know the “Golden Rule” Love your neighbor as yourself; to know this rule is to be acquainted with the Holy Scriptures: Matt. Verses 34 to 40
Thank you for your love and support.
Much love Nona